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āʾī : 'End (of life), appointed hour or time, death, fate, doom'. (Platts p.111)
TERMS == MOODThe perspective of the speaker is truly very unusual. The speaker can hardly be the beloved, but it ought to be someone who loves Mir with extreme and rare depth, even passion. After all, we all lose loved ones, but how often do we tell someone (who?) that we 'ought to have died with them'? And not just 'with them' in some general way, as though we were perhaps of the same age and generation, but with 'only/emphatically' them, as in mīr hī ke sāth . In other words, this isn't a statement that the speaker would make in a casual way. It can't be one of Mir's characteristic 'neighbor' verses, since the 'neighbors' have sympathy but also common sense, and they would hardly consider themselves remiss in not having died along with Mir.
So who can it be who loves Mir that much, that intensely? We really don't have any established character in the ghazal world who could be suitable for the role. No doubt we can always say it's some close friend, but the effect of disproportionate intensity still lingers. Then, as SRF notes, the extravagance of the first line is made all the more piquant by the oddly cool detachment of the second line.
Ghalib certainly uses his closing-verses sometimes to have people express regret and sorrow at Ghalib's death, but there's never this kind of extreme sentiment. Nobody even comes close to thinking that he himself ought to have died with Ghalib. Ghalib seems to suggest (though he never explicitly says) in
that he ought to have died with Arif, but that's a very special case in which personal grief causes the poet to break through the surface of the ghazal world into autobiography. We don't get at all the same feeling in Mir's verse. The mystery of the speaker's identity lingers.