=== 0777, 1 ===
burqʿe meñ kyā chhupeñ vuh hoveñ jiñhoñ kī yih tāb ruḳhsār tere pyāre haiñ āftāb mahtāb
1) how would they be hidden in a veil/burqa, they that would have this radiance?! 2) your cheeks, dear one, are the sun, the moon
*Platts Dictionary Online*
S. R. Faruqi: The opening-verse is by way of introduction. But Mir had an unusual interest in this theme. Thus he has said in the first divan too [{366,3}]: hai takalluf-niqāb ve ruḳhsār kyā chhupeñ āftāb haiñ donoñ [they are veiled as a formality, those cheeks how would they be hidden? they are suns, both!] [On this ghazal see also {1589,1}.]
The opening-verse is by way of introduction. But Mir had an unusual interest in this theme. Thus he has said in the first divan too [{366,3}]:
hai takalluf-niqāb ve ruḳhsār kyā chhupeñ āftāb haiñ donoñ [they are veiled as a formality, those cheeks how would they be hidden? they are suns, both!]
hai takalluf-niqāb ve ruḳhsār kyā chhupeñ āftāb haiñ donoñ
[they are veiled as a formality, those cheeks how would they be hidden? they are suns, both!]
[On this ghazal see also {1589,1}.]
FWP: SETS MOTIFS == VEIL NAMES TERMS Of course there's also the wordplay of tāb , āftāb , mahtāb . But really, despite all the evocations of brilliance, it's not exactly a scintillating verse.
Of course there's also the wordplay of tāb , āftāb , mahtāb . But really, despite all the evocations of brilliance, it's not exactly a scintillating verse.