


kyā lut̤f-e tan chhupā hai mire tang-posh kā
uglā paṛe hai jāme se us kā badan tamām

1) what pleasure of the body is hidden, of my tightly-clothed one?!
2) it comes out from the robe, her whole body



ugalnā : 'To spit out; to bring up from the stomach or craw (as birds for their young, or as cattle in chewing the cud); to throw up, vomit, reject, disgorge; to restore or refund (property surreptitiously obtained...): — ugal - paṛnā , v.n. To be spit out, &c.; to fall out of its sheath (a sword, &c.). (Platts p.71)

S. R. Faruqi:

uglā paṛnā = to come out

About the tightness of clothing, Mir has composed a number of superb verses. In some of them is the aspect of envy/jealousy, or of the beloved's delicacy. For example,



In the present verse there's only pleasure-taking and praise.

In the second line, uglā paṛe is of course a devastatingly narrative and uncommon utterance.

In the first line, because of the insha'iyah structure several layers of meaning have been created. (1) What a fine thing! As if the pleasure of my tightly-clothed beloved is hidden?! (2) Bravo! What an effort she's made to hide the pleasure of her body-- it's made her even more naked! (3) The tightness of the robe makes the fullness, roundness, and lines of the body even more manifest and unconcealed. (4) In mire tang-posh is the implication that it's possible that another beloved's body might be hidden within tight clothing, but the situation of my beloved is completely different.

In order to show the tightness of the clothes and the shamelessness of the body, Sayyid Muhammad Khan Rind needed a yawn, and split-apart garments:

añgṛāʾiyāñ jo līñ mire us tang-posh ne
cholī nikal nikal gaʾī shānah masak gayā

[when that tightly-clothed one of mine yawned
her blouse came open, her shoulder burst out]

The theme is a light one, and in the first line either mire or us is redundant. But the trimness of the second line has redeemed the verse.

Look at how Mir, without bursting the garments, suggests their becoming torn; from the sixth divan [{1869,6}]:

jī phaṭ gayā hai rashk se chaspāñ libās ke
kyā tang jāmah lipṭā hai us ke badan ke sāth

[the inner-self has burst with envy of the adhesive clothing
how the tight robe has clung on to her body!]

Mus'hafi too cannot get very far. But he has brought out one aspect:

tang-poshī meñ mazā us ne jo pāyā to vahīñ
cholī añgṛāʾiyāñ le le ke sabhī maskā dī]

[when she took pleasure in tight-clothedness, then right there
the blouse, yawning and yawning, burst it all open]

A verse of Qa'im's remains the most pallid of them all, because in it there's verbosity, and no aspect of freshness:

un ḳhvush-chhaboñ kī hāʾe re yih tang-poshiyāñ
żarrah nah kasmasāʾe kih cholī masak gaʾī

[in those well-shaped ones-- alas, such tightnesses of clothing!
she wouldn't move even a tiny bit-- when her blouse would burst open]

Indeed, ḳhvush-chhaboñ is certainly very fine; because of it alone, the verse has acquired some value.



I have nothing special to add.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --