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dil ko le kar ṣāf yūñ āñkheñ milātā hai koʾī
tab talak hī lut̤f hai jab tak kih kuchh pardah ho myāñ
1) having taken the heart, does anyone clearly/openly {casually / 'like this'} cause eyes to meet?!
2) there is pleasure/elegance/favor only/emphatically as long as there would be some veil/'pardah', sir
ṣāf : 'Clearly; plainly; distinctly; openly, candidly, without reserve or guile; clean out, outright; decidedly, flatly; thoroughly, entirely'. (Platts p.742)
lut̤f : 'Delicacy; refinement; elegance, grace, beauty; the beauty or best (of a thing); taste; pleasantness; gratification, pleasure, enjoyment; —piquancy, point, wit; —courtesy, kindness, benignity, grace, favour, graciousness, generosity, benevolence, gentleness, amenity'. (Platts p.957)
miyāñ : 'An address expressive of kindness, or respect; Sir! good Sir! good man; master; husband; lord; father'. (Platts p.1103)
TERMS == MASNAVI; THEMEWhat about the refrain of myāñ , a decidedly masculine term of address? We could take it as used ironically to a beloved boy, who is being scolded for his wanton behavior; in that case, the reference to the seemingly feminine pardah must be taken in only a general or metaphorical sense. Or we could take the term myāñ as used teasingly or by extension, in the rebuke addressed to a female beloved. Theoretically, the verse could be addressed to a companion, to whom the lover explains his disapproval of the beloved's unsuitable behavior; but in view of the tone of 'complaint' noted by SRF, this possibility does seem less compelling.
No matter what the poor beloved does, she/he can be passionately rebuked for it; but then, isn't this how passion works? The lover's demands are insatiable but also un-discourageable-- give him an inch and he'll demand a mile, give him no inch at all and he'll resolutely occupy a millimeter. One might as well advise the beloved, 'Just do whatever you like-- because whatever you do won't be enough for him, but nothing you do will drive him away'.