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asbāb : 'Causes, motives, means; resources; —s.m. sing. Implements, tools, instruments, apparatus, materials; goods, chattels, effects, property; furniture; articles, things; commodities, appliances, machinery; stores, provision; funds; necessaries; baggage, luggage; cargo'. (Platts p.47)
musāʿid : 'Aiding, assisting, helping; favourable'. (Steingass p.1225)
ke taʾīñ : 'To, up to; ... ke taʾīñ = ko '. (Platts p.353)
TERMSThere's also kahne ke taʾīñ , that wonderfully ironic little postpositional phrase equivalent to the modern kahne ko . Because we have no resources, we aren't really in the 'world of resources'-- we're only in it 'in name only', in a 'so-called' way, as a figure of speech-- as some kind of metaphor or image or unsubstantiated claim. (For after all, if we aren't in that world, where are we?)
And yet, just to push the phrase a little further, doesn't the invoking or speaking of that description seem to have a power of its own? It seems to be the only thing that anchors us in this world (in which we have no other anchor); so perhaps the power of speech itself constitutes a 'resource'. We can be in this world on the strength of our own, or other people's, speaking-- 'from saying so'. Especially, of course, if we remember that the speaker, the powerful poet, might be subtly reminding us of his own verbal magic.