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barg : 'Leaf ... ; —warlike apparatus; provisions or necessaries for a journey or march'. (Platts p.148)
band : 'Fastened, tied up, bound; shut, closed, stopped, stopped up, cut off; prevented, hindered, barred, checked, restrained, suppressed'. (Platts p.169)
gunjāʾish : 'Holding, containing; room, capacity; room to contain, stowage; —profit; —the revenue capabilities of a village (esp. with reference to a proposed increase of revenue)'. (Platts p.917)
asbāb : 'Causes, motives, means; resources; —s.m. sing. Implements, tools, instruments, apparatus, materials; goods, chattels, effects, property; furniture; articles, things; commodities, appliances, machinery; stores, provision; funds; necessaries; baggage, luggage; cargo'. (Platts p.47)
TERMS == METAPHORThat little word barg has the additional meaning of provisions or equipment for a journey, so the phrase barg-band could also mean 'hindered/restrained by provisions/equipment' (see the definitions above). On initially hearing the first line we perhaps don't notice this secondary or tertiary possibility-- but then after finally (under mushairah performance conditions) hearing the second line, we are alerted by the commercial possibilities of gunjāʾish ('profit; the revenue capabilities of a village') and of course asbāb ('materials, goods, commodities', etc.)-- see the definitions above.
What does it mean to complain about the city for its failure to offer sufficient gunjāʾish-e asbāb ? On the face of it, it sounds like the sort of complaint a merchant might make about a city too small to offer all the commercial opportunities (warehouses, markets, banking facilities) that he seeks. What are the possessions or (commercial?) goods of a wandering religious ascetic who hardly even has clothes to wear? It's a piquant question, and of course it's left for us to figure out. (If we take asbāb in the plural as meaning 'causes, motives', it's piquant in a different way, but we lose the enjoyable emphasis on actual physical things.)
If we take the complaint to be chiefly about the city as too full of trees, then is it shade that's at issue (in contrast to the treeless desert), or the crowded-seeming space of a garden (as opposed to the empty desert), or urban self-indulgence (as opposed to the stark and hostile desert)? In any case, a 'leaf-bound' qalandar might well find himself constrained in such city. SRF is right, barg-band is such a transfixing image that it seizes our attention at once.
Then of course the second line is as opaquely constructed as possible: 'X would not be, Y would not be'. This could of course be (as SRF notes) a colloquially shortened form of 'if X would not be, then Y would not be' ('If I don't have the desert, then I wouldn't have the scope for profit'). This is perhaps the most enjoyable possibility, since it envisions the desert as the ideal arena for commercial display or profitable activity. Is the desert perhaps not as empty as it looks? Or are the speaker's commercial goods linked to the desert somehow?
Alternatively, the second line could represent a falling-between-two-stools situation-- as a qalandar in the city, the speaker would neither have the desert, nor have the scope for profit (whereas he certainly ought to have one or the other!). Or it could simply be the beginning of an iterative list (he would not have the desert, or the scope for profit-- or many other such things that he also seeks.)
Note for meter fans: In the second line, in the neither-nor construction the spelling of the second nah as ne is to turn it into a long syllable; the normal spelling nah is always scanned as short.