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ṭaṭolnā : 'To pass (the hand or fingers) over, to feel, touch; to feel for, grope for; to examine, test, or try by feeling'. (Platts p.356)
ḳhvud-rau : 'Growing of itself, wild, spontaneous'. (Platts p.495)
TERMS == ALLEGORYAs far as I can tell, it's really only the striking verb ṭaṭolnā that provokes all SRF's allegorical explication. Otherwise, it's so routine for all the creatures in the garden to adore the beloved, that the verse wouldn't have seemed much in need of explication. Why indeed wouldn't the birds just naturally think of her as soon as they awoke, and find her in their hearts, and miss her, and long for her? (And/or, why wouldn't the mad lover readily attribute such feelings to their dawn chorus of songs?)
In fact I find myself resisting the allegorical reading SRF provides, because it's hard to imagine that the birds in the garden would be 'exiled, or in prison'. After all, if they feel trapped in the garden, nothing prevents them from flying off and trying their luck elsewhere. How can we take them to be prisoners? They certainly can fly away much more readily and freely than we humans can 'fly away' from this imprisoning world into death. (And unlike us, they can make exploratory flights in all directions and then return to the garden if they choose.) Why should calling the beloved a 'wild, dewy rose' push us into allegorical territory? She's called a dewy rose all the time, and she's also 'wild' and self-willed and free-- why doesn't Occam's Razor remove the need for us to allegorize all this normal ghazal imagery?
In fact the very next verse in the ghazal, {1450,2}, shows how readily the birds of the garden can be induced to sing:
bāġh meñ jo ham dīvāne se jā nikleñ haiñ nālah-kunāñ
ġhunche ho ho murġh chaman ke sāth hamāre boleñ haiñ[when we pass through the garden like a madman, lamenting
forming groups/'buds', the birds of the garden speak along with us]But then in the present verse, when the birds 'probe' or 'grope' or 'examine' their hearts, what is that about? On my reading, they're just retrieving and re-celebrating their memories of the beloved, whose irresistible beauty, during her visits to the garden, has been their deepest experience of transcendence.They do it at dawn either because it's the moment they wake, or because the rising sun reminds them of the radiance of the beloved. I grant you, this seems a slightly lightweight reading of this powerful verb.
But there are problems with a heavyweight reading too. For on SRF's reading, when the birds do the 'probing' they are 'drawing up their accounts' and asking themselves existential questions that lead them back to pre-birth memories of the 'great spirit' and a whole Sufistic 'world of spirits'. This sounds more like The Conference of the Birds than like the behavior of the normal 'birds of the garden' in the ghazal world. The two other verses by Mir that SRF cites have to do with mystical awareness in the speaker, but nothing at all to do with the birds of the garden. (In the ghazal world, the birds who are credited with mystical awareness are the ones who have been captured and caged.) Anyway, dear reader, you can easily make your own choice of interpretation.
Note for grammar fans: The verb form boleñ haiñ is an archaic form of bolte haiñ , and similarly for the other verbs in the rhyming elements of this ghazal.