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āge ʿālam ʿain thā us kā ab ʿain-e ʿālam hai vuh
us vaḥdat se yih kaṡrat hai yāñ merā sab gyān gayā
1) previously the world was exactly/intrinsically his, now he is the eye/sun/best of the world
2) from that Oneness, there's {such a / 'this'} multiplicity/multitude, here, all my wisdom went [away]
ʿain : The eye; sight; source, fount, fountain; udder (of an animal); the choice, the best, the very essence (of a thing), the thing itself; money, cash; gold; the sun;... —adj. Very, exact, precise, real, intrinsic, just:'. (Platts p.767)
kaṡrat : 'Multitude, plenty, abundance, superfluity, excess, glut; plurality, multiplicity, majority, the major part, the best or greatest part'. (Platts p.817)
TERMSThe multivalent meanings of ʿain make it hard to decide how to translate even SRF's commentary, not to speak of the verse itself.
The idea of a 'multiplicity/multitude' of 'oneness' is excellently paradoxical in itself. It's described as 'that' oneness, which resonates enjoyably with 'this' multiplicity (an idiomatic usage for 'such a').
In the second line, 'here' is a midpoint: it can be read with the phrase before it ('such a multiplicity here') or with the one after it ('for my part, my wisdom left me').