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ek jagah par jaise bhañvar haiñ lekin chakkar rahtā hai
yaʿnī vat̤an daryā hai us meñ chār t̤araf haiñ safar meñ ab
1) the way whirlpools are in a single place, but a revolving/whirling/circumambulation remains--
2) that is, the homeland is an ocean; in it, we are on a journey in [all] four directions now
chakkar : 'Wheel (of a cart, &c.), a potter's wheel; a catharine-wheel; a discus or sharp circular missile weapon; a quoit; an oil-mill; a circle, a ring; circumference; a circular road or course; a circular position; ... circular flight (of a bird, &c.); revolving in a circle, revolution, whirl; round, circuit; circumambulation; a whirlwind; a whirlpool, an eddy, anything revolving in a circle; a whirligig'. (Platts p.435)
TERMS == IHAMI suppose the iham of which SRF speaks is the idea that at first we might read chakkar rahtā hai as applying to circular shape of the whirlpools (see the definition above). Only after hearing the second line would we realize that the chakkar was the whirling or rotating journey ('a circular road or course'... 'a circuit') that we, like the whirlpool, endlessly make in a single place. Even so, I'm not convinced that this should really be called an iham, since the 'circular shape' sense remains valid. For discussion of iham, see {178,1}.