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sañbhalnā : 'To be supported or sustained, to be propped to be firm; to stand, to stop; to recover oneself (from a stumble or fall, &c.). (Platts p.673)
be-ṣarfah : 'Unprofitable'. (Platts p.203)
be-bahrah : 'Having no share, part or lot (in), without portion or profit; destitute, unfortunate'. (Platts p.202)
shuʿūr : 'Knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, sense, discretion, discernment, sagacity, penetration; good management'. (Platts p.728)
TERMS == MOOD; TUMULT-AROUSINGThe praise given by SRF is just about unprecedented; this seems to be one of his very favorite verses in the whole kulliyat.
Mir is of course bringing the figure of the 'Sati' into the ghazal world in an idealized sense; and that is the way SRF reads the image too. The Sati is like the Messenger or the Advisor: she is a stylized figure that possesses all-- and only-- the attributes required for poetic purposes in the ghazal world. (This is why the nonsensical and/or horrific idea that Satis burn 'in fits and starts' or 'slowly/gently' [āhistah āhistah] can be entertained.) For Mir and for SRF, real-world complexities simply don't enter into the picture.
For me, however, they do; so I can't enjoy this verse all that much. Even granting that there have been some 'genuine', uncoerced, highly determined Satis (as according to the best evidence, there undoubtedly have been), the fact that the concept of Sati is so entirely one-sided can't help but be annoying (to say the least). After all, if becoming a Sati were really such a splendid gateway to mystical knowledge and achievement for the insān-e kāmil (perfect human), why wouldn't men have taken at least as much advantage of it as women? Plainly the custom has been shaped by sexism, property inheritance practices, joint family politics, etc., far more than by individual piety or mystical/romantic passion on the part of women longing for their beloveds. That first line, with its bland and comfortable sañbhal kar , always sticks in my throat.
I'd also like to point out, on behalf of the candle, that this is a very unusual treatment of its sensibility and role in the ghazal world, as any reader of Mir and Ghalib (and of everybody else too) will know. Usually the candle is imagined to have almost an excessive sensibility, as manifested by its self-destructive 'tears', and its heat, glowing, burning, grief, passion, jealousy, etc. It's often credited with high-class mystical knowledge as well (see Ghalib's 'candle'-refrain ghazal, G{75}, for examples). A verse like this one that depicts the candle as an 'unprofitable' dumb creature, almost indeed a purely material object (perish the thought!), is highly unusual.
Would it be possible to make a whole counter-argument, in which the Sati is prudent, thoughtful, careful even in self-sacrifice, while the candle is too be-ḳhvud , too heedless of itself, too lost in mystical/romantic passion, even to give any thought to its own self-destructive behavior? Such a reading would take the second line as reflecting the sentiments of a worldly person disdainfully observing the mad behavior of a doomed lover ('How unprofitable!'); we readers would then of course side with the 'self-less' lover. Perhaps that would be pushing things a bit too far, but least I can allow myself to play with this reading for my own enjoyment. And really, couldn't the argument in fact be made? Why shouldn't there be two readings of such a strange, edgy, disquieting verse?