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fitnah : 'Trial, affliction, calamity, mischief, evil, torment, plague, pest ... ; —temptation, seduction; —discord, conflict, cabal, faction, civil war, sedition, revolt, mutiny; perfidy; sin, crime'. (Platts p.776)
yār : 'A friend; a lover; paramour, gallant; mistress; —companion, comrade; —an assistant; —one of a sect or gang of thieves'. (Platts p.1247)
TERMSWhen I first read this verse, I took it to be an exhortation to political quietude and passivity: past rebels have all been cut down, but new rebels, their 'friends', still keep (foolishly?) incurring the same fate. I took the 'cutting down' to be something done by rulers, as a direct result of the rebels' fitnah . There's no way to discredit such a reading. But SRF has shown us a more compelling one, in which the 'cutting down' is done by fate, by the sky, by human mortality.
On this reading the fitnah is human agitation, ambition, aspiration in general: even though human agitation in the past resulted (only?) in the death of the agitators, people still (naively? gallantly?) continue to agitate. Although Mir does have some verses that use political imagery, he (like other classical ghazal poets) has uncountably more that take a wider view. SRF's citation of other specifically relevant verses by Mir makes his case very strong.
But the verse itself doesn't foreclose any options (why are we not surprised?). The official meanings of fitnah are negative (see the definition above), but the term is so broad that it really covers almost any kind of disruption of the status quo. It's easy to think of instances of 'conflict, sedition, revolt', etc. that have been admirable and even indispensable to any progress made the course of human history.
What the verse basically says is, past fitnah creators are all dead, but still people keep on creating fitnah . Mir has left it up to us to decide whether their death was a result of their behavior or not; and also whether people's persistence in such behavior is a virtue (they are bravely undaunted), or a vice (they continue in wickedness), or morally neutral (that's just how humans are).
The word yār too is intriguingly ambiguous. Are today's mischief-makers 'friends' of the former ones who deliberately follow in their footsteps? Or are they merely 'friends, companions' who have banded together to achieve some disruptive purpose? Is their mutual support and loyalty part of what empowers their plan of agitation? Plainly the verse is a 'fill-in' one that leaves us to choose almost all its parameters.
Ultimately, the verse is an elegant, cleverly framed showcase for the interlocking deployment of two fine idioms, fitnah zer-e sar honā and sar par zamīn uṭhānā .