
Qubbat ul-Islam Mosque, from the Berger Collection


Ghazal 94

2 divan verses (out of 8); rhyming elements: ār-e chaman
composed 1816; Arshi #93

-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --


barshkāl-e giryah-e ʿāshiq hai dekhā chāhiye
khil gaʾī mānind-e gul sau jā se dīvār-e chaman


ulfat-e gul se ġhalat̤ hai daʿvâ-e vā-rastagī
sarv hai bā-vaṣf-e āzādī giriftār-e chaman

Some unpublished verses from this ghazal:


hai nazākat baskih faiẓ-e gul meñ miʿmār-e chaman
qālib-e gul meñ ḍhale hai ḳhisht-e dīvār-e chaman


baskih pāʾī yār kī rangīñ-adāʾī se shikast
hai kulāh-e nāz-e gul bar t̤āq-e dīvār-e chaman


vaqt hai gar bulbul-e miskīñ zulaiḳhāʾī kare
yūsuf-e gul jalvah-farmā hai bah bāzār-e chaman