
Red Fort, from the Berger Collection


Ghazal 186

5 divan verses (out of 7); rhyming elements: ū kī
composed after 1816; Arshi #193

-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --


jis zaḳhm kī ho saktī ho tadbīr rafū kī
likh dījiyo yā rab use qismat meñ ʿadū kī


achchhā hai sar-angusht-e ḥināʾī kā taṣavvur
dil meñ naz̤ar ātī to hai ik būñd lahū kī


kyūñ ḍarte ho ʿushshāq kī be-ḥauṣlagī se
yāñ to koʾī suntā nahīñ faryād kisū kī


This is the first verse of a two-verse verse-set. Some editions reverse the order of this and the following verse.

ṣad ḥaif vuh nā-kām kih ik ʿumr se ġhālib
ḥasrat meñ rahe ek but-e ʿarbadah-jū kī


This is the second and final verse of a two-verse verse-set. Some editions reverse the order of this and the preceding verse.

dashne ne kabhī muñh nah lagāyā ho jigar ko
ḳhanjar ne kabhī bāt nah pūchhī ho gulū kī

The unpublished verses from this ghazal:


go zindagī-e zāhid-e be-chārah ʿabaṡ hai
itnā hai kih rahtī to hai tadbīr vuẓū kī


ay be-ḳhabarāñ mere lab-e zaḳhm-e jigar par
baḳhyah jise kahte ho shikāyat hai rafū kī