rag-o-pai meñ jab utre zahr-e ġham
tab dekhiye kyā ho
abhī to talḳhī-e kām-o-dahan kī āzmāʾish hai
1) when in vein and nerve the poison of grief would
descend, then you'll see what it would be
2) {right now / as yet}, well, it's a test of bitterness of palate/desire and mouth
talḳhī : 'Bitterness; pungency; acrimony, malice, rancour'. (Platts p.334)
kām : '(Persian) Desire, wish; design, intention; --the palate'. (Platts p.804)
He says, 'At the time when the poison of passion would descend into veins and nerves, then the outcome of it will be worth seeing. Right now is the beginning of passion-- from its bitterness only the taste of the mouth has become sour'. A test of palate and mouth is taking place; the outcome is to be very harsh. (288)
'Bitterness of palate and mouth' could well be the first effect of swallowing a deadly poison. But it could also describe bitter, harsh speech as it emerges from the palate and mouth. Speech of the beloved, that torments the lover? The lover's own speech, as he expresses his anguish, or even reproaches the beloved? A quarrel, in which mutually hurtful things are said? As so often, it's left for us to decide. Although here kām means 'palate', can we fail to register its more common meaning of 'desire'? (For more on kām see {22,6}.) Another talḳh-kāmī verse: {344x,4}.
This one always reminds me of Momin's verse,
kis ko hai ẓauq-e talḳh-kāmī lek
jang bin kuchh mazā nahīñ hotā
[who has a taste for bitterness of the palate? but
without conflict, there's no relish/pleasure]
I also always think of Shiva's title of nīl-kañṭh
, 'blue-throated one', which he earned when he saved the universe
from the deadly poison churned up from the Ocean of Milk, at the beginning
of this world-age. He swallowed the poison, and was able to absorb it; but
not before it had turned his throat a deep blue-black forever. But I hasten
to say that this is just my association; I know of no evidence that it would have
been part of Ghalib's metaphorical universe.
That is, if the beginning of passion is so harsh, then no telling what its outcome will be. (231)
== Nazm page 231