Ghazal 413x, Verse 1


maiñ hūñ mushtāq-e jafā mujh pah jafā aur sahī
tum ho be-dād se ḳhvush us se sivā aur sahī

1) I am ardent for cruelty-- upon me cruelty, more indeed!
2) you are pleased with injustice-- beyond that, more indeed!


aur : 'And, also, for the rest, besides, again, moreover; but, yet, still; over, else; and lo!; — another, other, different; more, additional'. (Platts p.104)


sivā : 'Besides, other than, over and above, further than; adj. Additional, more; better'. (Platts p.690)



For more on Ghalib's unpublished verses, see the discussion in {4,8x}. See also the overview index.

This ghazal is extremely late (1865) and has received very little commentarial attention.

On the idiomatic range of sahī expressions, see {9,4}.

For an exclamatory verse like this, the choice of tone is everything. Is the tone exultant? Bitter? Resigned? Amused? Grim? Neutral? As so often, the choice is up to us-- and the idiomatic aur sahī emphasizes the colloquial punch that the verse must be given.

Compare {91,3}, which expresses a similar but more thoroughly rationalized view of the beloved's behavior.

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