Ghazal 353x, Verse 1


ashk-e chakīdah rang-e parīdah
har t̤arḥ hūñ maiñ az ḳhvud ramīdah

1) fallen tears, a pallid color
2) in every way, I am horrified by myself




For more on Ghalib's unpublished verses, see the discussion in {4,8x}. See also the overview index.

This unusual ghazal is the only one Ghalib ever composed in this very short meter: = = / - = = // = = / - = = (which, it should be noted, still has a powerful caesura). A meter like this, as can be seen from the example above, makes complexity almost impossible to achieve. But it maintains an enjoyable rhythm, which is surely why Faruqi endorsed every single verse of it. Since the verses are more effective together, the whole rest of the ghazal is presented here:

(2) go yād mujh ko karte haiñ ḳhūbāñ
lekin basān-e dard-e kashīdah

[although they remember me, the beautiful ones--
but, like a long-drawn-out pain]

(3) hai rishtah-e jāñ fart̤-e kashish se
mānind-e nabẓ-e dast-e burīdah

[the thread of life is, through deficiency in drawing-power
like the pulse of a cut-off hand]

(4) ṭūṭā hai afsos mū-e ḳham-e zulf
hai shānah yak-sar dast-e gazīdah

[it has broken, alas-- a hair from the twist of the curls
the comb is entirely/'one-head' a bitten [in regret] hand]

(5) ḳhāl-e siyāh-e rangīñ-ruḳhāñ se
hai dāġh-e lālah dar ḳhūñ t̤apīdah

[like the black beauty-spot of the colorful-faced ones
the wound of the tulip has throbbed in blood]

(6) josh-e junūñ se jūñ kisvat-e gul
sar tā bah pā hūñ jeb-e darīdah

[through the turmoil of madness, like the dress of the rose
from head to foot, I am a torn collar]

(7) yāro asad kā nām-o-nishāñ kyā
bedil faqīr-e āfat-rasīdah

[friends, what name and sign does Asad have?!
a heart-less/'Bedil', calamity-stricken faqir]

-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --