k ap;Re nah jaalii ho nah malmal ho  
SECTION 2j_1 *back to section 2h-3*
(we're now on page *kaaf , continued*)   
Munshi Sahib: Indeed, Janab Agha Sahib, now you please graciously bestow something on us.
Agha Sahib: Very good! Let the first opening-verse be considered:  
munshii .saa;hib :: haa;N janaab aa;Gaa .saa;hib ab aap kuchh ((inaayat farmaa))iye _
aa;Gaa .saa;hib :: bahut ;xuub _ ma:tla((-e avval mulaa;ha:zah ho _

1) If only there would be such equipment, then my heart would be somewhat at ease
'The peas would be boiled, and there would be one bottle of moonshine'

The friends: Vah, Agha Sahib, what an opening-verse you have recited!
Agha Sahib: Oh indeed, as yet what have you even heard? Please listen to the second opening-verse: 

==The meter of the ghazal is #26 in the *meter list*. The second line seems to be some kind of colloquial saying or proverb expressing simple satisfaction. I don't know what ;ha.z.zat means (or if there's even really a tashdiid in it).

kahii;N saamaan aise ho;N to kuchh dil ko mire kal ho
ma;Tar uble hu))e ho;N aur ik ;Tharre kii botal ho

a;hbaab :: vaah aa;Gaa .saa;hib kyaa ma:tla(( farmaayaa hai _
aa;Gaa .saa;hib :: ay ;ha.z.zat _ abhii aap ne sunaa hii kyaa hai _ duusraa ma:tla(( suniye _

2) I would search out and versify a theme that would be shapelier than the shapely
I would compose a second opening-verse, that would be before the foremost

The friends: Without doubt, it's ahead of the first.
Agha Sahib: All right, now let the verses be considered.

==Putting two opening-verses at the start of a ghazal is a flashy display of extra virtuosity, as the boastful toneof this one suggests. The wordplay of avval se avval suggests "ahead of the first" both in ordering and in quality.

vuh ma.zmuu;N ;Dhuu;N;Dh kar baa;Ndhuu;N kih jo ashkal se ashkal ho
kahuu;N vuh ma:tla((-e ;saanii kih jo avval se avval ho

a;hbaab :: beshak avval se avval hai _
aa;Gaa .saa;hib :: le ab shi((r mulaa;hi:zah ho;N _

3) To speak candidly, if the Sahib would be delicate in such a way
Let him wear clothing of light-- neither of openwork, nor of muslin

The aim of this verse was at the Navab Sahib, who was seated there wearing a thin openwork kurta in a light almond color, and a light muslin angurkha with its ties unfastened, and waving a surpassingly delicate fan in his hand.

takalluf bar-:taraf .saa;hib agar aise hii naazuk ho
pahan lo nuur ke kap;Re nah jaalii ho nah malmal ho

is shi((r kaa ru;x navaab .saa;hib kii :taraf thaa _ jo jaalii kaa kurtah halkaa baadaamii rangaa aur baariik malmal kaa angurkhaa pahne _ band khole hu))e bai;The the _ aur ek nihaayat hii nafiis pankhaa haath me;N thii use jhulte jaate the

4) If in the cold season you would be available, then what harm in the cold?
If your curls would be on my shoulder-- let there be no double-shawl, let there be no blanket

The friends: praise.

==The idea seems to be that the Navab Sahib looks effeminate and is being teased about it. 

agar jaa;Re me;N tuu mil jaa))e to kyaa ;Gam hai jaa;Re kaa
tirii zulfe;N ho;N shaane par do-shaalah ho nah kambal ho

a;hbaab :: ta((riif _

5) Tell me, even in helplessness, would Majnuun keep a happy temperament?
Since Laila's camel would graze when the bud of the heart would be green

Pandit-ji: Praise be to God! Leaving aside everything else, what a 'help' he's pulled out of 'helplessness'!
The friends: By God, we understand it very well! If there's understanding, let it be like this; otherwise, let there be none.
Agha Sahib: Let there be none. All right, now please listen to this verse: 

==The wordplay is based on the fact that be-chaaragii ("helplessness, being without recourse") has the literal meaning of being without chaarah , or fodder (for an animal). Laila's camel would charnaa ("graze"), which is also related. The Pandit-ji's wordplay rests on the common use of chaarah to mean "recourse."

[*laam*] kaho be-chaaragii me;N bhii :tabii((at ;xvush rakhe majnuu;N
kih char le naaqah-e lail;aa harii jab dil kii ko;Npal ho

pa;N;Dit jii :: sub;haan all;aah ! aur to aur _ yih be-chaaragii se chaarah kyaa nikaalaa hai _
a;hbaab :: vaall;aah samjhe bhii ;xuub _ samajh ho to aisii ho _ nahii;N to nah ho _
aa;Gaa .saa;hib :: nah ho _ achchhaa _ ab yih shi((r suniye _

6) Tell your lovers to please control their weeping
The road of the house will be blocked, if there would be a swamp in the street

Shaikh Sahib: He composed a good one.
Rusva: (To the Khan Sahib) Why are you silent? Please bring out some objection.
Agha Sahib: Indeed, sir, silence from poetry-knowers is not proper.
Khan Sahib: So that you won't think my praise is a compliment based on ignorance-- this is why I'm silent.
Agha Sahib: No, sir, I have no such perverse understanding.
The friends: They were ravished with pleasure at this comment.
Agha Sahib: Let a verse be considered:

kaho ((ushshaaq se apne kih .zab:t-e giryah farmaa))e;N
rukegaa raastah ghar kaa agar kuuche me;N daldal ho

shai;x .saa;hib :: achchhii kahii _
rusvaa :: ( ;xaa;N .saa;hib se ) aap kyuu;N sukuut me;N hai;N _ ko))ii i((tiraa.z nikaaliye _
aa;Gaa .saa;hib :: haa;N janaab sukuut-e qadar-shinaas ;Thiik nahii;N hai_
;xaa;N .saa;hib :: aap merii ta((riif ko ta;hsiin-e naa-shinaas nah samajhiye _ is liye chup huu;N _
aa;Gaa .saa;hib :: nahii;N ;ha.zrat merii aisii ul;Tii samajh nahii;N hai _
a;hbaab :: is faqre par luu;T gaye _
aa;Gaa .saa;hib :: shi((r mulaa;hizah ho _

7) We would be envious/jealous of ourself, an other would be born from our own self
Two like us would be seen, if the beloved would be squinty-eyed

The friends: Agha Sahib, praise be to God! What a [verse of] 'subtlety of thought' you've made! 

== naazuk-;xiyaalii , "subtlety or refinement of thought," was one of the traditional virtues that a good verse could have; carried to excess, it could also become a term of reproach, as in *verse 16*.

hame;N rashk aa))e apne se hamii;N se ;Gair paidaa ho
ham aise do na:zar aa))e;N agar ma((shuuq a;hval ho

a;hbaab :: aa;Gaa .saa;hib _ sub;haan all;aah _ kyaa naazuk-;xiyaalii kii hai _

8) He's still young, he has an ardor for kite-fighting
There would be one small-kite with a string, there would neither square-kite nor takkal (?)

The direction of this verse too was toward the Navab Sahib, for from his own lofty dominion the wedding-procession of a kite-flyer had set out with great pomp.

==The idea seems to be that the Navab permits child-marriage. A boy so young he's interested only in kite-fighting would be given a wife ('a small kite with a string'), but neither a square-kite nor some other kind of kite. I don't know what a takkal is, but I think it would be the name of a kind of kite. Kite-fighting (with kite-strings dipped in glue and then in ground glass, so they could saw through other kites' strings) was very popular, and many specialized kinds of kites existed.

abhii kam-sin hai;N un ko shauq hai langar la;Raane kaa
takallaa ;Dor kaa ho ik nah kankayyaa nah takkal ho

is shi((r kaa ru;x bhii navaab .saa;hib kii jaanib thaa _ isliye kih aap hii kii sarkaar-e ((aalii-jaah se kankvii kii baraat ba;Rii dhuum se niklii thii _

9) Let someone go and say to those who compose 'meaningful' verses
How would a concealed secret be revealed, if the door would be padlocked?

Rusva: Agha Sahib, what can I say! Umrao Jan, just listen to what a verse he's composed.
Umrao Jan: Praise be to God! I had understood it already. He may say whatever he wishes, he's the master.
Agha Sahib: Why don't you say clearly that I'm the doorkeeper of Hell? All right, listen:

==Apparently they consider Umrao Jan to be a composer of verses that might emerge from her own experience of life, and they are hinting to her that she should reveal more of her piquant romantic secrets.

ko))ii un se kahe jo shi((r-e ma((nii-band kahte hai;N
khule kyaa raaz-e sar-bastah jo darvaazah muqaffal ho

rusvaa :: aa;Gaa .saa;hib kyaa kahnaa ! umraa))o jaan _ ;zaraa sunnaa _ kyaa shi((r kahaa hai _
umraa))o jaan :: sub;haan all;aah _ mai;N pahle hii samajh ga))ii _ jo chaahe;N kahe;N _ malik hai;N _
aa;Gaa .saa;hib :: to .saaf .saaf kyuu;N nahii;N kahtii;N kih doza;x kaa darbaan huu;N _ achchaa suniye _


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