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dhokā hai tamām baḥr-e dunyā
dekhegā kih hoñṭ tar nah hogā
1a) it's a deceit/trick/mirage, the entire ocean of the world
1b) it's an entire deceit/trick/mirage, the ocean of the world
2a) you'll see that your lips won't be wet
2b) you'll see it-- {and / while / in that} your lips won't be wet
dhokhā (of which dhokā is a variant): 'Deceit, deception, delusion; blunder, mistake; disappointment, baulking; doubt, hesitation; alarm, panic; anything that may deceive or mislead, false appearance, a scarecrow; anything imaginary or unreal, a mirage; an object or form indistinctly seen at a distance'. (Platts p.551)
TERMS == IHAM; TUMULT-AROUSING; UNATTAINABLY SIMPLE; WORDPLAYHere the word dhokā is beautifully and fruitfully versatile (see the definition above). It can refer to a deliberate 'deceit, deception' contrived by someone else; it can refer to something accidental ('blunder, mistake, doubt'); and it can also specifically refer to a 'mirage'. This latter sense is especially apt, since the most common form of mirage takes place in a desert, and involves the sight of an apparent body of water just at the edge of the horizon.
The positioning of tamām as a kind of 'midpoint' in the first line invites us to take it as describing either the 'deceit' or the 'ocean'.
And the clever little kih in the second line can have two different uses. If it's read as a clause-introducer (2a), then it introduces the content of what it is that the addressee will 'see'. And that 'see' is metaphorical-- it's not something to be done with the eyes, but something to be done with the mind ('You'll realize, or discover, or verify, that your lips won't be wet, and that will prove the truth of what I'm telling you'). Alternatively, the two clauses can be parallel (2b), and only loosely linked ('You'll see it as an ocean, but meanwhile your lips won't be wet, and that's how you'll know it's a mirage').
This is surely an 'unattainably simple' verse. I like SRF's observation that in {1802,3} there's 'so much clarity' that the verse-- with its long meter and lucid explication-- has become less enjoyable. The present verse, so much shorter more cryptic, creates an ominous sense of foreboding. Is its tone bitter, wry, melancholy, resigned, neutral, amused? As so often, we are left to decide for ourselves.