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TERMS == QUATRAIN; THEME; TUMULT-AROUSINGThe idiomatic punch of this verse is almost impossible to capture in translation, so I've gone for clunky literalism as usual. But the real tone of the verse is so exasperated, annoyed, even petulant or sulky, that it's a pure delight. The flavor of the verse is something like 'Damn it, this wretched plot of ground-- no matter what you do to it, it just won't get green! Why even bother to waste seed on such a godawful barren patch?!'
And in contrast to the vivid specificity of the mood, the particulars of the situation are un-pin-downable. Consider especially the readings of botā hai kyā . Thanks to the 'kya effect', they include:
='Do you sow?' (are you really committing such a folly?)
='What do you sow?' (you're sowing some weird kind of seed)
='How you sow!' (you devote so much zeal to such a vain cause)
='As if you sow!' (you're no fool, you know better than to bother)Note for grammar fans: We could also read the to as tū , but then we'd unbalance the wonderful idiomatic flow of the line, and we wouldn't gain anything in particular.