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maidān : 'An open field (without buildings); an extensive plain; a plain, field, lawn, area; a race-ground; any place for exercise or walking; a parade [ground]; a field of battle'. (Platts p.1104)
ḳharābah : 'Ruin, devastation, desolation; a waste, waste land'. (Platts p.488)
TERMS == INSHA'IYAH; THEMEWhat works against any direct reference to the vicissitudes of Delhi in particular is the idea of ruinedness as 'having spread in every direction'. As SRF observes, this is normally how cities grow. If it's applied to the decline or decay of a city, it doesn't suggest a sudden violent attack from an external army, such as Delhi repeatedly experienced during Mir's lifetime. On the contrary, in fact: it sounds gradual and organic. The city seems to have suffered from a blight of some kind. Thus the question in the second line: what had been going on here? 'This kind of ruinedness' is what elicits the speaker's question; it clearly wasn't any normal kind of ruinedness, but something quite unusual.
A plain is 'an open field (without buildings)'; it's a large clear area suitable for games, or battles, or strolling around (see the definition above). Somehow the city had been becoming not even a ruin, but rather a natural blank space, as though it had never existed. And the insha'iyah second line, which leaves us with a lingering, unanswerable question, is far more effective, as SRF notes, than any flat, explicit equation of city and heart.
SRF says that the process of ruination is still happening-- 'every day' the ruins are expanding, and the city is contracting. But the grammar of the verse puts the action entirely in the past. According to the first line, there's not even any city left at all-- there's just a level plain or field. The speaker is wondering about the nature of a process that's now utterly, irretrievably complete.
Just for nostalgia, here's an evocative view of the extensive ruins that once lay to the south of Delhi, from Robert Montgomery Martin, 'The Indian Empire', vol. 3, c.1860: