


sarsarī tum jahān se gużre
varnah har jā jahān-e dīgar thā

1) careless/carelessly, you passed from the world
2) otherwise, (in) every place {was / would have been} a different world



sarsarī : 'Easy, facile, careless, without attention or consideration, without due consideration; summary; cursory; hasty, hurried; trivial, trifling; —easily; cursorily; hastily, in haste; gratuitously, for nothing'. (Platts p.654).


varnah : '(contrac. of va agar nah ), conj. And if not, otherwise, or else'. (Platts p.1189)

S. R. Faruqi:

He has composed this theme in other places as well. In the first divan [{471,2}]:

rakhnā nah thā qadam yāñ jūñ bād-e be-taʾammul
mīr is jahāñ kī rah-rau par tū ne sarsarī kī

[you shouldn't have set foot here like the heedless wind
but Mir, you, a traveler in this world, showed carelessness]

From the fourth divan [{1500,10}]:

gużre basān-e ṣarṣar ʿālam meñ be-taʾammul
afsos mīr tum ne kyā sair-e sarsarī kī

[you passed through the world like the cold-boisterous-wind, heedless
alas, Mir, what a careless tour you made!]

The wordplay of ṣarṣar and sarsarī was so pleasing to Mir that he also versified it in a Persian masnavi:

ay ṣabā gar sū-e dihlī ba-guzrī
ham chū ṣarṣar āh ma-guzar sarsarī

[oh spring breeze, if you pass by the direction of Delhi
ah, don't, like the cold-boisterous-wind, show carelessness]

But the truth is that what's in the present verse hasn't come in anywhere else, because in all those verses nothing has been said about the situation of the world, while in the present verse by saying har jā jahān-e dīgar he's placed a whole world of meaning before us. 'In every place there was a new world'-- that is, in every place there was something new, there was something interesting that through its beauty, uniqueness, or elaborateness had a status [ʿālam] of its own. If people want to praise something, they present it by saying [in Persian] 'it's in a class by itself'; but Mir, by calling every place a 'world' of its own, has pushed the idea one step further.

By saying dīgar , he's also alluded to being variegated [digar-gūñ]-- that is, constantly changing, or subject to upheaval, or becoming ruined. Then, by calling the passing of a whole lifetime 'careless(ly)' [sarsarī] he's also alluded to the fact that the world is so colorful and wide and complex that to spend even a lifetime in it is the same as to pass through it merely 'carelessly'. Or if the passage in the Qur'an would be kept in mind where the Lord, mentioning some of his signs, says 'Undoubtedly these are signs for the thoughtful/attentive ones' [2:164], then the meaning emerges that the people who are not thoughtful/attentive (who pass carelessly) are not able to understand that in everything in the world there's a wisdom, a whole arrangement and order. He's composed a fine verse.

[See also {1232,2}.]



SRF explicates the didactic sense of the verse, and it's a clear and powerful one. But isn't there a romantic possibility as well? The lover reproaches the beloved for dying-- for so casually, carelessly, inexcusably 'passing from the world'. For 'otherwise'-- when the beloved was alive (or if the beloved had been alive), then everything was transformed (or everything would have been transformed).

In the first line, sarsarī is excellently positioned. It can be either an adverb ('carelessly') or an adjective (perhaps a rebuke-- 'careless one!'). And in addition, just consider its range of meanings (see the definition above)-- from the casual and playful ('easy, facile'), through the neutral ('hasty, hurried'), to the reproachful and morally culpable ('without attention, without due consideration').

Are we also meant to hear in it an echo of the word ṣarṣar , that 'cold boisterous wind' (Platts p.744)? As SRF points out, in others of Mir's sarsarī verses the ṣarṣar is made powerfully and enjoyably present. Nothing explicit in the present verse activates the homonym, but who's to say it doesn't hover vaguely in the vicinity? After all, as those other verses show, gużarnā is an excellent verb to use for the passing-through of a gust of wind.

In the second line har jā can be either the subject ('every place' is what was, or would have been, a different world) or an adverbial place-expression followed by an invisible ghostposition ('in every place' there was, or would have been, a different world). In such an abstract context this may seem a small distinction, but in a poem eleven words long, every nuance must be considered and taken into account.

The strong, conspicuous repetition of jahān is further emphasized by the jā jahān sequence in the second line. We're left in no doubt about where our attention should be focused.

Note for grammar fans: Here's an example of the clever use of varnah , with its two possible senses. It can refer simply to the past (things were different), or with the same verb can equally well be contrafactual (things would have been different). Ghalib too makes creative use of this conveniently double set of possibilities.


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