


dil tasallī nahīñ ṣabā varnah
jalve sab heñge dāġh meñ gul ke

1) there's no heart-comfort, oh breeze-- otherwise
2) all the glories will be in the scar/grief of the rose/wound



tasallī : ''Being diverted (from) the remembrance (of)'; consolation, comfort, solace; assurance; contentment, satisfaction'. (Platts p.324)


jalvah : 'Manifestation, publicity, conspicuousness; splendour, lustre, effulgence'. (Platts p.387)


heñge is an archaic form of hoñge .

S. R. Faruqi:

For a better verse on this theme, and some remarks about it, see


Nevertheless, in the present verse there are one or two points that are worthy of attention. The first is that dil-tasalli nahīñ can be a 'reversed izafat' [iẓāfat-e maqlūbī]-- that is, tasallī-e dil nahīñ . Or it can also be without an izafat-- that is dil tasallī nahīñ hotā [treating tasallī as adjectival]. For this adjectival usage of tasallī honā was common in the eighteenth-century. Ghalib has written


It's clear that it's a translation of [the Persian] tasallī shudan , meaning 'to be comforted, to find ease, for the heart's grief to be lessened', etc. From the urdū luġhat tārīḳhī uṣūl par we learn that Hasrat Mohani too has used it this way. But nowadays this is absolutely not to be heard.

One meaning of gul itself is 'wound, scar'. (For discussion in this connection, see {12,4} and {1341,1}.) In the present verse, to say gul ke dāġh is to say dāġh ke dāġh . Thus here we will have to assume that the meaning of dāġh is not 'scar' but 'grief' (For dāġh with the meaning of grief, see:


Now the word dāġh has come to bear a double meaning and has become a word of Mir's special style-- such that dāġh means 'grief', but gul too means dāġh . In this way a beautiful tension has been created in the line-- since here gul means 'beloved', so that the word jalve has a great affinity.

Sauda, Qa'im, and Mus'hafi have composed ghazals that are in the same 'ground' but not the same meter. Mus'hafi has versified the rhyme-word dāġh with the same meaning as Mir, but in a very uncouth and unpleasing style:

mazā alam kā jo hai muṣḥafī ko kod ke sāth
bhare hai nit namak-e sūdah dāġh meñ dil ke

[the relish there is in melancholy, to Mus'hafi, with salt
fills, always, the wound of the heart with powdered salt]

I have noticed a [Persian] verse of Talib Amuli's with a theme similar to that of the present verse, and especially to that of {1574,6}:

'Perhaps the garden breeze brought a few leaves,
Ardor's sense of smell is not comforted by perfume.'

It should be noted that tasallī shudan in the meaning of 'to be comforted' is present here too.

[See also {508,3}.]



I have nothing special to add.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --