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tamannā : 'Wish, desire, longing, inclination... ; request, prayer, supplication, petition'. (Platts p.337)
salīqah : 'Nature, natural disposition or constitution; genius; taste; good disposition; method, knack, way; knowledge, skill, dexterity, address'. (Platts p.671)
TERMS == TONESRF maintains that the tone [lahjah] is full of 'an uncommon dignity, self-confidence, and composure' [ġhair-maʿmūlī vaqār aur ḳhvud-ětimād aur t̤amāniyat], but I can't see why that should be the only way to read the verse. The second line could surely also be enjoyably read in a tone of bitterness or sarcasm ('Yeah, sure, we're famous for our 'adroitness'-- look at what we achieved with it!').
The multivalence of salīqah (see the definition above) in fact, by no coincidence, makes possible a wide variety of tones. In addition, the deed reported in the first line could readily be interpreted in many ways-- as a failure, a success, a triumph, a humiliation, etc. It seems to me that this multivalence was exactly what Mir had in mind. For another very similarly constructed verse in the same ghazal, see
For more on such problems of 'tone' and 'mood', see {724,2}.