


((aashiq hai dil apnaa to gul-gasht-e gulistaa;N me;N
jadval ke kinaare ke nau-baavah-damiido;N kaa

1) my heart is a lover, then, during a stroll through the garden,
2) of the newly-blossomed ones at the edge of the water-channel



gul-gasht : 'Walking in a garden; an evening walk; recreation; a pleasant place for walking or recreation (esp. one blooming with roses and other flowers)'. (Platts p.911)


jadval : 'A rivulet, streamlet (natural or artificial)'. (Platts p.378)


damiidah : 'Blown, blossomed, shot forth, opened out, expanded, vegetated (a plant); blowing, blossoming; sprouting; broken forth (as the dawn of day)'. (Platts p.527)

S. R. Faruqi:

jadval = water-channel
nau-baavah = fresh, fresh fruit

It's obvious that the fresh fruit, or fresh trees, that are by the edge of the water-channel, are not only spectators of the natural scene, but rather are newly-sprung-up beloveds as well.

For beloveds, Mir has used nau-baavah elsewhere too; from the third divan [{1278,8}]:

jaagah se le ga))e hai;N naazaa;N jab aa ga))e hai;N
nau-baavagaan-e ;xuubii juu;N shaa;x-e gul lachakte

[coquetries have taken them away from the place, when they have come
the new-blossoming ones of beauty bend/sway like rose-branches]

From the fifth divan:


The trickiness of the present verse is interesting. He is talking about boys who are strolling in the gardens, and are masquerading/acting [bahuruup bhar rahe hai;N] as worshipers of the scene of nature.



I have nothing special to add.