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mīr ḳhilāf-e mizāj muḥabbat mūjib-e talḳhī-kashīdan hai
yār-e muvāfiq mil jāve to lut̤f hai chāh mazā hai ʿishq
1) Mir, a contrary-to-temperament love is a cause/necessitator of the experiencing/enduring of bitterness
2) if a suitable/favorable beloved/lover would be obtained, then pleasure/refinement is desire/appetite, enjoyment/relish is passion
mizāj : 'Nature, temperament, constitution, complexion, habit of body; temper, humour, disposition; health; —pride, haughtiness'. (Platts p.1028)
mūjib : 'Who or what renders necessary or obligatory; cause, motive, reason, account'. (Platts p.1087)
yār : 'A friend; a lover; paramour, gallant; mistress; —companion, comrade'. (Platts p.1247)
muvāfiq : 'Conformable, consonant, congruous, agreeing, according, concordant, suiting, suitable; apt, expedient; like, similar, analogous; prosperous, favourable, propitious'. (Platts p.1085)
lut̤f : 'Delicacy; refinement; elegance, grace, beauty; the beauty or best (of a thing); taste; pleasantness; gratification, pleasure, enjoyment; —piquancy, point, wit; —courtesy, kindness, benignity, grace, favour, graciousness, generosity, benevolence, gentleness, amenity'. (Platts p.957)
chāh : 'Wish, desire, inclination; volition, will; longing, craving; love, affection, liking, fondness; fancy; choice;—appetite, relish, zest, gusto;—want, need, requirement; requisition, demand, request'. (Platts p.420)
mazah : 'Taste savour, smack, relish; delight, pleasure, enjoyment; anything agreeable to the palate or to the mind, &c.; a delicacy, a tidbit; a bon-mot; jest, joke, fun, sport, amusement'. (Platts p.1029)
TERMSWho has the 'contrary-to-temperament' love? It might be the beloved, who could find herself pestered or even hounded by the love of someone who didn't please her at all; this might well cause her to feel 'bitterness'. However, the grammar leaves the question entirely open, so it could just as well be the lover, who would suffer from her hostility. It's clear that yār can be a unisex term (see the definition above), which also goes to permit both these readings.
And then, the ideal outcome, if one acquires a 'favorable' beloved or lover, is impossible to be sure of. Just look at the definitions of lut̤f and chāh and mazā (which is spelled that way to suit the rhyme). There's obviously considerable overlap among them-- but also a considerable range of meaning, from the lofty ('beauty, graciousness') through the neutral ('enjoyment, inclination') to the dubious ('jest, sport').
And don't forget the inevitability of 'symmetry'-- if we affirm that A is B, we also unavoidably affirm that B is A. There could thus be a notable difference in some of the possible readings (to say 'pleasure is a desire' is not the same as to say 'desire is a pleasure'). But again, because of the polyvalence of three of the four words, it's hard to say.
The second line could even be taken as saying, in effect, 'If you find a suitable beloved (who shares your tastes), then it's great fun for you both to go around together pursuing frivolous pleasures and amusements'. This might be construed as something vulgar and unworthy, so that it might be better to have a real, proper, 'contrary-to-temperament' love that would, in its 'bitterness', deepen one's mystical understanding of the nature of passion. Of course this is a secondary reading, but the verse has been framed in a way that does leave room for it. It's so rare that the lover actually even imagines having 'fun' in his passion, that perhaps it's just hard to take it seriously!
Note for grammar fans: It's true that ḳhilāf-e mizāj can also be adverbial, but any reading that takes it that way seems to lose the necessary 'connection' with the second line.