ab ḥairat hai kis kis jāgah punbah-o-marham rakhne kī
qad to kiyā hai sarv-e chirāġhāñ dāġh badan par khā khā ham
1) now there's stupefaction/amazement-- on which-all places to put cotton and salve?
2) our stature we have made a 'fireworks-tree', what-all wounds [we have made] on the body!
It's obvious that the wounds he has sustained on his body are either those of stones, or ones made by himself. The second possibility is the more likely one, because to wound their own bodies is the special pursuit of lovers and renunciants [āzād]. In qad to kiyā hai both possibilities are present-- in that we gave occasion to the boys to throw stones, and in this way we in fact wounded our body. Or again, in the ebullience of passion we wounded our own body-- that is, we directly, personally, wounded our body.
as in the present verse. But in that verse, the task of making the wounds has been done by the sky; apparently the speaker has no hand in his own ill-fortune.
The pleasure of the present verse is that the speaker himself arranged for the wounds-- and when his madness lessened a bit, he thought about medicine. But his whole body is a wound-- he is stupefied, where should he put the cotton and salve? The stupefaction can also be at what a state he must have been in, when he willingly endured so many wounds! It's also possible that the stupefaction might be that of care-givers and nurses.