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sair-e ;xayaal junuu;N kaa kariye .sarf kare;N taa ham par sab
patthar aap galii-kuucho;N me;N ;Dher kiye hai;N laa laa ham
1) take a look/'stroll' through the thought of madness-- so that they would expend all on us,
2) we ourself have heaped up stones in the streets and alleys, {having 'brought and brought' them / oh 'Lala'}
sair karnaa : ' To take the air, to stroll, ramble, perambulate; to take amusement, to enjoy sights, to view or contemplate a beautiful landscape; to make an excursion, &c.; to read, peruse'. (Platts p.711)
;xayaal : 'Thought, opinion, surmise, suspicion, conception, idea, notion, fancy, imagination, conceit. whim, chimera; consideration; regard, deference; apprehension; care, concern; —an imaginary form, apparition, vision, spectre, phantom, shadow, delusion'. (Platts p.497)
laalaa : 'Sir, master; a school-master; a grandee ...; a respectful term of address to a father, or a father-in-law; (for lallaa or lalaa , q.v.) dear boy, darling; —(in Persian) the chief (or an upper) servant (intrusted with the education of his master's sons); a major domo; —a slave'. (Platts p.946)
TERMS == TUMULT-AROUSINGSRF doesn't even bother to point out the primary meaning of laa laa as short for laa laa kar 'having brought and brought'. That's because he considers it so obvious that he counts on us to recognize it at once, as we surely do. And of course he makes sure of our understanding by citing {1611,4}, in which the verbal use is paramount.
Thus he can devote his energies to showing us the other senses of laalaa , which we might or might not know. And the doubly activated word- and meaning-play is indeed irresistible. Compare also the strikingly similar use of the title 'Baba' in the next verse, {1437,5}.
It's also piquant that we are invited to 'contemplate' or 'take a stroll'-- such a different form of progress than that of a madman who is either laboriously collecting stones, or else being pursued by stone-throwing urchins. And our stroll is to be through junuu;N kaa ;xayaal , the 'thought' of 'madness'. And what exactly is this? The way madness thinks? A kind of thought, perhaps in an observer's head, which is about madness? A thought that is itself madness? The speaker seems to be lucidly, or even perhaps wittily, calling our attention to his own madness.