


z̤āhir-o-bāt̤in avval-o-āḳhir pāʾīñ bālā ʿishq hai sab
nūr-o-z̤ulmat maʿnī-o-ṣūrat sab kuchh āphī huʾā hai ʿishq

1) outside and inside; first and last; below, above-- all is passion
2) light and darkness, meaning and form-- it has only/emphatically itself become everything, passion



S. R. Faruqi:

[SRF discusses both this ghazal and the previous, formally identical one, {1658}, together in {1658,1}.]

This verse, along with


is a commentary on


In this verse the Vedantic style is clearly to be seen-- that light, darkness, everything is the ray of one single existence.

In the first line ʿishq hai sab can have two interpretations:

1) All this (that has been mentioned in the beginning of the line) is passion.

2) All these places have become brimful of passion and passion alone. For example, people say 'so much rain fell that houses and shops all became water [sab pānī ho gayā]'.



SSA reads z̤āhir bāt̤in rather than the kulliyat's z̤āhir-o-bāt̤in . I have omitted a brief passage in which SRF discusses the effect of the omission of the connective v from z̤āhir bāt̤in .

Note for meter fans: Mir has taken āp hī and written it as the single word āphī . He's scanned that word as aa-phii , long-short. In other words, phī has been treated as a flexible syllable, like bhī -- even though here the p-h sequence is not an aspirated consonant like the bh. Another way to think of it is that the h has dropped out of the scansion. This is uncomfortable-sounding to us meter fans, but also a well-established and permissible variation.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --