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maḳhdūm : 'One who is served, a master, lord; —a Muhammadan priest; an abbot'. (Platts p.1012)
TERMS == DRAMATICNESS; IMPLICATION; THEME; UNDERSTATEMENTThe really irresistible thing about the verse is the speaker's obvious, alarmed concern for the welfare of Khizr. SRF points out that it may be snide and intended as a putdown, but surely that's secondary. The main thing is, clearly, to figure out what's going on with this elderly gentleman and to try to get him to a place of safety; to view him in such terms is in itself a supreme putdown, even if entirely unconscious and unintended by the speaker.
Even the solicitous inquiry about 'from which direction' Khizr has reached the place feels more like an expression of consternation ('How in the world did you get here?' 'What in the world are you doing here?') than an actual request for information. But of course its form suggests 'by what path?', and thus reminds us in an enjoyably piquant way both that pointing out paths is the function of Khizr himself, and that the speaker's consternation is such that he's totally indifferent to any such function on Khizr's part.
The only thing the speaker is concerned with is getting this hapless elderly civilian out of the line of fire. After all, there are tigers here! And the speaker seems to feel that the tigers of the 'jungle of passion' would make quick work of Khizr's famous immortality.
Compare Ghalib's less drastic belittling of Khizr: