Tomb of Isa Khan

Fatahpur Sikri, from the Berger Collection


Ghazal 8

3 divan verses (out of 7); rhyming elements: il pasand āyā
composed 1816; Arshi #3

-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --


shumār-e subḥah marġhūb-e but-e mushkil-pasand āyā
tamāshā-e bah yak-kaf burdan-e ṣad dil pasand āyā


bah faiẓ-e be-dilī naumīdī-e jāved āsāñ hai
kushāyish ko hamārā ʿuqdah-e mushkil pasand āyā


havā-e sair-e gul āʾīnah-e be-mihrī-e qātil
kih andāz-e bah ḳhūñ-ġhaltīdan-e bismil pasand āyā


In some modern divan editions, this verse will appear at this point; in Arshi, whom I follow for this project, the verse is a fard and is placed as {2,1}.

jarāḥat tuḥfah almās armuġhāñ dāġh-e jigar hadyah
mubārak bād asad ġham-ḳhvār-e jān-e dardmand āyā

Some unpublished verses from this ghazal:


ravānīhā-e mauj-e ḳhūn-e bismil se ṭapaktā hai
kih lut̤f-e be-taḥāshā-raftan-e qātil pasand āyā


asad har jā suḳhan ne t̤arḥ-e bāġh-e tāzah ḍālī hai
mujhe rang-e bahār-ījādī-e bedil pasand āyā


huʾī jis ko bahār-e furṣat-e hastī se āgāhī
bah rang-e lālah jām-e bādah bar maḥmil pasand āyā