Works in English
== English works used in this project ==

BROWNE, Edward Granville. A Literary History of Persia (4 vols.), Bethesda, MD: Iranbooks, 1992 [1906]. All four volumes are available online through This is a classic work, and full of valuable background material; if only because it’s shaped everybody’s literary attitudes, it’s well worth studying.

CHELKOWSKI 1975. Mirror of the Invisible World: Tales from the Khamseh of Nizami. Peter J. Chelkowski et al. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1975. The Met has generously placed the work online; for extra security, it is also available on this site.

DAUD RAHBAR, trans. and ed. Urdu Letters of Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1987.

FAROOQI, MEHR AFSHAN. Ghalib: A Wilderness at My Doorstep; A Critical Biography. New Delhi: Penguin Random House, 2021.

HARCOURT and HUSSAIN. E. S. Harcourt and Fakhur Hussain, trans. and ed. Lucknow: The Last Phase of an Oriental Culture, by Abdul Halim Sharar. London: Paul Elek, 1975.

KHWAJA AHMAD FARUQI, trans. Dastanbuy: A Diary of the Indian Revolt of 1857. Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1970. This work was written in a special archaic Persian that avoided Arabic words; the translation is available on this site. The Persian text: on the site.

NAIM 1970. C. M. Naim, trans. and ed. Twenty-Five Verses by Ghalib. Calcutta: Writers Workshop Redbird Book, 1970. All the commentary from this volume has been included with the relevant verses.

NAIM 1972. C. M. Naim, trans. and ed. Ghalib’s Lighter Verse. Calcutta: Redbird Book, Writers Workshop, 1972. All the commentary from this volume has been included with the relevant verses.

NIAZI 2002. Sarfaraz K. Niazi, trans. and ed. Love Sonnets of Ghalib. Lahore: Ferozsons, 2002. A translation and commentary.

PLATTS. Platts, John T. A Dictionary of Urdu, Classical Hindi, and English. Oxford:  Oxford University Press, 1930 (fifth impression). This dictionary is online through DSAL.

PRITCHETT. Frances W. Pritchett. Nets of Awareness: Urdu Poetry and Its Critics. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994. Online on the Univ. of California Press website.

PRITCHETT 1991. Frances W. Pritchett. The Romance Tradition in Urdu: Adventures from the Dastan of Amir Hamzah. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991. An extended version is on this site.

PRITCHETT AND FARUQI. Frances W. Pritchett, in association with S. R. Faruqi, trans. and ed. Ab-e Hayat: Shaping the Canon of Urdu Poetry. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2001. A slightly corrected version of this work is online through DSAL, with page numbers linked to the original Urdu text.

PRITCHETT AND KHALIQ. Frances W. Pritchett and Khaliq Ahmad Khaliq. Urdu Meter: A Practical Handbook. University of Wisconsin at Madison: South Asian Studies, 1987. An online version of this handbook is provided on this site.

QUR'AN. A. Yusuf Ali, trans. and commentator, The Holy Qur'an. Beirut: Dar ul-Qur'an, 1992/3 [1934]. This translation has many useful notes about South Asian Islamic traditions.

RUSSELL AND ISLAM. Ralph Russell and Khurshidul Islam, trans. and ed. Ghalib 1797-1869; Volume I: Life and Letters. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1969, and many reprint editions: on this site.

RUSSELL AND ADANI. Ralph Russell and Iftikhar Ahmad Adani. Selections from the Persian Ghazals of Ghalib, With Translations. Lahore: Pakistan Writers’ Co-operative Society, 1997. Russell translates into English, Adani into Urdu: on this site.

RUSSELL 2003. Ralph Russell. The Oxford India Ghalib: Life, Letters, and Ghazals. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003. Unfortunately, this is a chaotic, poorly annotated rehash of parts of Russell's other works and cannot be recommended.

SCHIMMEL. Annemarie Schimmel, A Dance of Sparks: Imagery of Fire in Ghalib's Poetry. New Delhi: Ghalib Academy, 1979.

SCHIMMEL 1992. Annemarie Schimmel, A Two-Colored Brocade: The Imagery of Persian Poetry. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1992. Very useful for background.

SHAHNAMAH. Firdausi, The Epic of Kings (1010), trans. by Helen Zimmern: online at MIT and at Univ. of Australia.

STEINGASS. F. Steingass, A Comprehensive Persian-English Dictionary. London: Routledge, 1988 [1892]. This dictionary is online through DSAL.


YUSUF HUSAIN, trans. Persian Ghazals of Ghalib. New Delhi: Ghalib Institute, 1980.

THE ABOVE ENGLISH WORKS have been particularly referred to in this site. For additional literature see: ***GHALIB STUDIES IN ENGLISH***

Works in Urdu
== Urdu works used in this project ==

ABDUL HAKIM (1885-1959). ḳhalīfah ʿabd ul-ḥakīmIdeas of Ghalib / afkār-e ġhhālib — Lahore: Maktabah Mu'in ul-Adab, 1954. Commentary on selected Urdu and Persian verses, especially from a mystical point of view: available on this site.

ARSHI (1904-1981). imtiyāz ʿalī ʿarshī Divan-e Ghalib / dīvān-e ġhālib — New Delhi: Anjuman Taraqqi-e Urdu, 1982 (2nd ed.) [1958]. All references are to the ghazal numbers and page numbers in Part 2, called navā-e sarosh within the volume. The second edition (1982) is available on this site. The first edition (1958) is available on the site. Another copy: on the site. Also available: his Dictionary of Ghalib / farhang-e ġhālib : on the site.

ASAR LAKHNAVI (1885-1967). jaʿfar ʿalī ḳhāñ aṡar lakhnavii A Study of Ghalib / mut̤ālaʿah-e ġhālib — Lucknow: Danish Mahal, 2nd edition, 1957. Thanks to the generosity of Satyanarayana Hegde (of Mumbai), this rare text from his collection is available on this site. This work comments selectively on certain verses only, including some unpublished ones.

ASI (1893-1946). ʿabd ul-bārī āsī Complete Commentary on the Divan-e Ghalib / mukammal sharḥ-e dīvān-e ġhālib — Lucknow: Siddiq Book Depot, 1931; also Complete Commentary on the Poetry of Ghalib / mukammal sharḥ-e kalām-e ġhālib , his commentary on the unpublished verses from published ghazals; both are available and indexed on this site.

AZAD (1830-1910). muḥammad ḥusain āzādWater of Life / āb-e ḥayāt — Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Urdu Academy, 1982. Photo offset of: Lahore: Naval Kishor, 1907. This edition is already online at DSAL, and is also linked to the the Pritchett and Faruqi translation.

BAQIR (1927?-1972). āġhā muḥammad bāqirGhalib's Speech / bayān-e ġhālib: sharḥ-e dīvān-e ġhālib — Lahore: Shaikh Mubarak Ali and Sons, 1940: on the site; [Lahore: Shaikh Barakat Ali and Sons, 1939]. Another edition: Mubarak Ali, Lahore, 1954: on the site. A modern reprint: on the site.

BEKHUD DIHLAVI (1863-1955). sayyid vaḥīd ud-dīn beḳhvud dihlavīA Mirror of Ghalib / mirāt ul-ġhālib — Calcutta: 'Usmaniyah Book Depot, 1934 [Delhi: Mahbub ul-Mutaba, 1924].

BEKHUD MOHANI (1883-1940). sayyid muḥammad aḥmad beḳhvud mohānīA Commentary on the Divan of Ghalib / sharḥ-e dīvān-e ġhālib — Lucknow: Nizami Press, 1970 [composed 1923].

CHISHTI (1896-1984). yūsuf salīm chishtīA Commentary on the Divan of Ghalib / sharḥ-e dīvān-e ġhālib — New Delhi: Itiqad Publishing House, 1983 [Lahore: Ishrat Publishing House, 1959]. On the site.

FARHANG. sayyid aḥmad dihlavīAsifiyah Dictionary / farhang-e āṣifiyah — Delhi: National Academy, 1974 [1896], 4 vols.

FARUQI, Shamsur Rahman (1936-). shams ur-raḥmān fārūqīAn Explanation of Ghalib / tafhīm-e ġhālib — New Delhi: Ghalib Institute, 1989. A new, augmented edition came out in 2006, and was reprinted in 2014. An index to both editions of this book is provided on this site. Also, the 2014 edition (an unchanged reprint of the 2006 edition) is available here, through the generous permission of the author and the kind help of Satyanarayana Hegde: on this site. It is also on the site.

FARUQI 2. A Selection from the Complete Urdu Works of Ghalib / intiḳhāb-e urdū kulliyāt-e ġhālib — New Delhi: Sahitya Academy, 1993. 2nd ed., 1999. A list of the verses chosen from divan ghazals contained in this book is provided here; of the verses chosen from unpublished ghazals, here. The whole book is online through the site.

FARUQI 3. Four Essays on Ghalib / ġhālib par chār taḥrīreñ — New Delhi: Ghalib Institute, 2001. Online through the site.

FARUQI, S. R., et al. A Course in Rhetoric / dars-e balāġhat — New Delhi: Taraqqi-e Urdu Bureau, 1981; on this site.

GHALIB 1816— The ‘Nuskhah-e Bhopal’, compiled c.1816 nusḳhah-e bhopāl aur nusḳhah-e bhopāl-e ṡānī — ed. by 'Abd ul-Quvvi Dasnavi. Bhopal: Saifiyah College, 1970; on this site.

GHALIB 1821— The ‘Nuskhah-e Hamidiyah’, compiled c.1821nusḳhah-e ḥamīdiyah — ed. by Hamid Ahmad Khan. Lahore: Majlis Taraqqi-e Adab, 1969; on this site. An edition from the Majlis Taraqqi-e Adab, Lahore, 1983: on the site. The early Anwar ul-Haq edition is available on the site. There is also a beautiful modern facsimile edition: Nuskha-e-Hamidiya, introduced by Mehr Afshan Farooqi (Charlottesville: Department of Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures, University of Virginia, 2015.

GHALIB 1826/7. The 'Nuskhah-e Sherani' -- dīvān-e ġhālib nusḳhah-e sherānī — Lahore: Majlis Taraqqi-e Adab, 1969; on this site.

GHALIB 1828— 'A Graceful/'Two-colored' Rose', compiled 1828 / gul-e raʿnā — ed. by Sayyid Qudrat Naqvi. Karachi: Anjuman Taraqqi-e Urdu, 1975 [first published 1970]. Here are its Urdu ghazals: on this site. The whole text of the Urdu and Persian intikhab is available, in an edition by Malik Ram (1970), on the site.

GHALIB 1841— Divan-e Ghalib [Urdu], 1841 / dīvān-e asadullâh ḳhān ṣāḥib ġhālib taḳhalluṣ — intro. by Kalidas Gupta Raza, facsimile ed., Bombay 1986; on this site.

GHALIB 1862-- Divan-e Ghalib [Urdu], 1862 / dīvān-e ġhālib -- Kanpur, Nizami Press; on this site.

GYAN CHAND (1923-). gyān chandThe Interpretation of Ghalib / tafsīr-e ġhālib — Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture, and Language, 1971. A commentary on the unpublished ghazals; on this site. Also: on the site.

HALI (1837-1914). ḳhvājah alt̤āf ḥusain ḥālīA Memorial of Ghalib / yādgār-e ġhālib — New Delhi: Ghalib Institute, 1986 [Kanpur: Nami Press, 1897]. The full text is available on this site.

HAMID (1901-1980), ed. ḥāmid ʿalī ḳhāñDivan-e Ghalib / dīvān-e ġhālib — Lahore: Punjab University Press, 1969; on this site. Text images from this edition are also linked through the index pages of each divan ghazal.

HASRAT (1875?-1951). faẓl ul-ḥasan ḥasrat mohānīA Commentary on the Divan of Ghalib / sharḥ-e dīvān-e ġhālib — Karachi: Al-Kitab, 1965 [1905]; on this site.

JOSH (1883-1976). labbhū rām josh malsiyānīThe Divan of Ghalib with Commentary / dīvān-e ġhālib maʿ sharḥ — Delhi: Atma Ram and Sons, 1950; on this site. Also: on the site.

KHALIQ ANJUM, ed. ḳhalīq anjumLetters of Ghalib / ġhālib ke ḳhut̤ūt̤ — New Delhi: Ghalib Institute, 1984 (vol. 1), 1985 (vol. 2), 1987 (vol. 3), 1993 (vol. 4); there is also a fifth volume, an index. These volumes are available online through *volume 1*; *volume 2*; *volume 3*; *volume 4*; *volume 5*. There are reprints too, but as far as I can tell they have the same contents and pagination.

MIHR (1895-1971). ġhulām rasūl mihrThe Voice of an Angel / navā-e sarosh, mukammal dīvān-e ġhālib maʿ sharḥ — Lahore: Shaikh Ghulam Ali and Sons, 1967.

MIHR (1895-1971). ġhulām rasūl mihrLetters of Ghalib / ḳhut̤ūt̤-e ġhālib — Lahore: Punjab University, 1969. 2 vols. These volumes are available online through *volume 1*; *volume 2*.

MIR (1722-1810). muḥammad taqī mīrThe Complete Works of Mir, Volume 1 / kulliyāt-e mīr, jild-e avval, mukammal chhih dīvān, ġhazaliyāt — Ed. by z̤ill-e ʿabbās ʿabbāsī , with additions and corrections by aḥmad maḥfūz̤ — New Delhi: Qaumi Council bara-e Furogh-e Urdu Zaban, 2013 [1983, 2003]. The complete ghazal texts from this edition are available through See also 'A Garden of Kashmir'.

MUHAMMAD ANSARULLAH. muḥammad anṣārullāhA Ghalib Bibliography / ġhālib bibliyogrāfī — Aligarh: Aligarh Muslim University, 1972. Updated edition: ġhālib bibliyogrāfī , kitābeñ — New Delhi: Ghalib Institute, 1998. On the site.

NAIYAR MASUD (1936-). nayyar masʿūd riẓvīAn Interpretation of Ghalib / taʿbīr-e ġhālib — Lucknow: Kitab Nagar, 1973. Available on this site (with thanks to Mehr Farooqi). Also on the site.

NATIQ (1886-1969). abū'l ḥasan nāt̤iq gulāʾoṭhvī A Treasure of Meanings: a Commentary on the Divan of Ghalib / kanz ul-mat̤ālib sharḥ-e dīvān-e ġhālib — Lucknow: Maktabah Din o Adab, 1968. Thanks to the generosity of Satyanarayana Hegde (of Mumbai), this rare text from his collection is available on this site. Using Satya’s numbers at the upper right, alif begins on 9; be on 66; nūn on 101; ye on 148; ghazal {181} on 196. Also on the site.

NAZM (1852-1933). ʿalī ḥaidar naz̤m t̤abāt̤abāʾī lakhnavīA Commentary on the Urdu Divan of Ghalib / sharḥ-e dīvān-e urdū-e ġhālib — Hyderabad: Matba Mufid ul-Islam, n.d. [1900]. This commentary (title pages) is provided on this site, thanks to the generous help of Sean Pue. Each verse is linked to the relevant page(s) of the commentary. Here are Nazm's concluding pages about other genres. Here's the whole work together: on the site. Another edition:on the site. A third edition: on the site.

NIZAMI BADAYUNI (1872-1947). niz̤āmī badāyūnī -- The Urdu Divan of Ghalib With a Commentary by Nizami / urdū dīvān-e ġhālib maʿ sharḥ-e niz̤āmī -- Badaun: Matba Nizami Press, n.d. [1915; 6th ed., 1927]. After 76 pages of extensive introductory material (including reproduced separate introductory notes to all five previous editions), the commentary itself begins on a second p. 1. Available on this site.

NIYAZ FAT'HPURI (1884-1966). niyāz fātḥpūrī -- The Difficulties of Ghalib / mushkilāt-e ġhālib -- Lucknow: Nasim Book Depot, 1972. Thanks to Satya Hegde, this text is available on this site.

RAZA (1988, 1995). kālīdās guptā raẓāThe Complete Divan of Ghalib, in Historical Order / dīvān-e ġhālib kāmil, tārīḳhī tartīb se — Bombay: Sakar Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1988. Page images from this earlier edition are provided for all unpublished ghazals, linked from each one. There is now a revised, augmented, annotated final edition, dīvān-e ġhālib kāmil, nusḳhah-e guptā raẓā published in 1995 (with an intermediate edition in 1990); this definitive 1995 edition is now available on this site.

SA'ID UD-DIN (1926). saʿīd ul-dīn aḥmadA Commentary on the Urdu Divan of Ghalib, and Criticism of the Poetry of Ghalib, known as ‘the Gift of Sa'id’ / sharḥ-e dīvān-e ġhālib urdū aur tanqīd-e kalām-e ġhālib maʿrūf bah hadiyah-e saʿīd — New Delhi: Ghalib Academy, 2007 (1926). With much appreciation for the good work of the Ghalib Academy (and with many thanks to Satyanarayana Hegde for making the pdf), this reprint edition is available on this site. Using Satya’s numbers at the upper right, alif begins on 23; be on 59; nūn on 82; ye on 117; ghazal {181} on 147.

SARVAR. mīr muḥammad ḳhāñ bahādur sarvar -- Best of the Anthologies; that is, the Tazkirah of Sarvar / ʿumdat-e muntaḳhabah yaʿnī tażkirah-e sarvar -- Ed. and intro. by Khvajah Ahmad Faruqi. Delhi: Delhi University Department of Urdu, 1961. The tazkirah was composed from 1799 to 1809. It contains an entry on the young Ghalib: pp. 116-120: on this site. Sarvar includes, sometimes with small changes in wording, verses from: {345x}, {305x}, {88}, {432x}, {363x}, {324x}, {426x}, {238x}, {41}, {288x}, {301x}, {54}, {307x}, {129}, {165}, {434x}, {217}, {164}, {183}, {48}, and the famous quatrain discussed in {141,1}. (Also included is Sarvar's p. 121, with a rare sample of Bedil's Urdu poetry.) The full tazkirah:

SHADAN (1869-1948). sayyid aulād ḥusain shādāñ bilgrāmīThe Seeking Soul: A Commentary on the Divan of Ghalib / rūḥ ul-mat̤ālib fī sharḥ-e dīvān-e ġhālib — Lahore: Shaikh Mubarak Ali, 1967 [Lahore: Matba Koh-e Nur, 1946].

SHAHID. muḥammad ayyūb shāhidA Critical Examination of the Commentators on Ghalib / shāraḥīn-e ġhālib kā tanqīdī mut̤āliʿah — Lahore: Maghrabi Pakistan Urdu Academy, 1988. 2 vols.

SHAKIL UL-RAHMAN (1929-). shakīl ul-raḥmān -- Mirza Ghalib and Indian-Mughal Poetics / mīrzā ġhālib aur hind muġhal jamāliyāt -- New Delhi: Ma'sum Publications, 1987. Thanks to Satya Hegde, available on this site.

SHARAR (1860-1926). ʿabd ul-ḥalīm sharar Guzishtah Lakhna'u / gużishtah lakhnaʾū yā mashriqī tamaddun kā āḳhirī namūnah, tārīḳhī-o-jaġhrāfiyāʾī ḥālāt — ed. Shamim Inhonvi. Lucknow: Nasim Book Depot, 1965.

SUHA (1892-1947). suhā mujaddidīMeanings of Ghalib mat̤ālib ul-ġhālib — Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Urdu Academy, 1923. Thanks to the generosity of Satyanarayana Hegde (of Mumbai), this rare text from his collection is available on this site. Using Satya’s numbers at the upper right, alif begins on 27; be on 76; nūn on 103; ye on 136; ghazal {181} on 168. An edition from Lahore, 1928: on the site.

VAJAHAT ALI SANDILVI (1916-1996). vahāhat ʿalī sandīlvī == The Delight of Ghalib /nishāt̤-e ġhālib-- Idara-e Furogh-e Urdu, Lucknow, 1964. Focused on sixty problematical verses. Thanks to Satya Hegde, available on this site.

VAJID. muḥammad ʿabd ul-vājid vājidA Commentary on the Urdu Divan of Ghalib, called the Rapture of Investigation / sharḥ-e dīvān-e urdū-e ġhālib mausūm bah vajdān-e taḥqīq — Hyderabad: Matba Fakhr-e Nizami, 1902: [introduction]; [conclusion]; text source: [site]. A PDF file is linked from each of the verses (selected from alif ghazals only) on which Vajid comments. The whole text is on the site.

VALIH. muḥammad ʿabd ul-aʿlâ vālihSteadfastness of Purity / vuṡūq-e ṣarāḥat . Hyderabad: Matba Fakhr-e Nizami, 1893/4. A very early but all too brief commentary: on this site.

ZAMIN. sayyid muḥammad ẓāmin kantūrī -- A Commentary on the Divan of Ghalib / sharḥ-e dīvān-e ġhālib -- ed. Ashraf Rafi'. Delhi: Educational Publishing House, 2012 [1934, mss. completed but not published]. The only combined commentary on both published and unpublished verses.

THE ABOVE URDU WORKS have been particularly referred to in this site. For additional literature see: ***GHALIB STUDIES IN URDU***

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