jab kih maiñ kartā hūñ apnā shikvah-e
ẓuʿf-e dimāġh
sar kare hai vuh ḥadīṡ-e zulf-e ʿanbar-bār-e dost
1) when/while/since I make my complaint of weakness
of the mind/nose
2) he 'heads into' a story of the fragrance-scattering curls of the friend/beloved
jab kih : 'adv. & conj. At the time when, when; while; since (temp. & caus.)'. (Platts p.375)
sar karnā : 'To make head[way]; to bring to an end, accomplish, achieve, perform, complete; to discharge, fire (a gun)'. (Platts p.648)
ʿanbar-bār : 'Ambergris, a rich perfume:... — ʿanbar-bār , adj. Shedding fragrance, fragrant'. (Platts p.766)
kare hai is an archaic form of kartā hai (GRAMMAR)
By saying this he means that the perfume of the beloved's curls is a cure for weakness of the mind, so why do you complain to me of weakness of the mind? (93)
Perfume is considered to be a cure for weakness of the mind. (191)
ABOUT jab kih : The versatility of jab kih (see the definition above) comes
in handy here, since all three of its relevant meanings work very well with
the second line. It could be marking an occasion ('at the time when I do'
X, he always responds with Y); or emphasizing duration ('while I'm in the
process of doing' X, he interrupts by launching into Y); or expressing causality
('since/because I do' X, as a result he does Y). For other examples of such flexibility, see {162,4} and {209,11}. Compare the similar (but even greater) flexibility of jo , discussed in {12,2}.
This is the third verse in a five-verse verse-set that begins with {53,6} and is discussed more fully there.
It's a verse that finds its chief charm in wordplay. Above all, it plays with the secondary meaning of the common dimāġh , which means not only 'mind', but also 'nose'. (For more on this, see {11,2}.) When the lover complains about the weakness of his mind, 'he'-- whom we know from {53,6} to be his rival, the Other-- promptly 'heads into' a story about the beloved's ambergris-scattering curls. This final image works perfectly, since it unites the ideas of head (curls) and nose (perfume). Perfume as a cure for weakness of the mind is an additional notion invoked by some commentators. (It's true that 'heads into' isn't a perfect equivalent of sar kartā hai -- see the definition above-- but it's pretty tolerable, and I couldn't resist capturing the wordplay.)
This is apparently another installment in the Other's campaign
to harass and distress the lover, while pretending to offer company and cheer
him up. The Other might, of course, be faking it: he might be as thoroughly
deprived of the beloved's company as is the lover. But if so, he hasn't lost
his hostility. Or could he possibly mean it kindly after all, as a form of
distraction or even a curative process (as Bekhud Dihlavi and Mihr believe)?
Unlike {53,7}, this verse contains no allegation
of motive.
sar karnā with a meaning of 'to begin' is a translation from Persian. (49)
== Nazm page 49