kyūñ jal gayā nah tāb-e ruḳh-e
yār dekh kar
jaltā hūñ apnī t̤āqat-e dīdār dekh kar
1) why did I not burn up, having seen the
radiance of the beloved's face?
1) why did I not burn up, having seen [my] endurance of the [sight
of the] beloved's face?
2) I burn [with jealousy/pain], having seen my own strength of sight/vision
jalnā : 'To burn; to be burnt; to be on fire; to be kindled, be lighted; to be scorched, be singed; to be inflamed, to be consumed; to be touched, moved, or affected (with pity, &c.); to feel pain, sorrow, anguish, &c.; to burn or be consumed with love, or jealousy, or envy, &c'. (Platts p.387)
tāb : 'Heat, warmth; burning, inflaming; pain, affliction, grief; anger, indignation, wrath, rage; light, radiance, lustre, splendour; strength, power, ability, capability; endurance'. (Platts p.303)
He's expressed the perfection of jealousy with such excellence that it's impossible to praise it sufficiently. He says, seeing the radiance of the beloved's face, I ought to have burned up-- why didn't I burn up? Now the result has emerged that seeing my own strength of sight, I burn [with jealousy]. That is, jealousy has lit a fire within my heart. (103)
The use of 'burn' in the two lines is entirely different; this pleasure of language is especially worthy of note. (139)
SETS == MULTIVALENT WORDS ( tāb , jalnā )
GAZE: {10,12}
ABOUT tāb : In verses like this one wordplay is hard to distinguish from meaning-play. For the whole pleasure hinges on the various meanings of tāb (and jalnā ). The protean tāb (a Persian cognate to the Sanskrit tāp , as in tapasya ) has the root meaning of 'heat', from which its associations of wrath, radiance, and endurance are all semi-metaphorically derived (see the definition above). More verses based on tāb wordplay: {15,9}, be-tāb ; {53,2}; {64,2}; {204,8}.
ABOUT jalnā : The literal
meaning of jalnā is of course 'to burn' (see the definition above), but its range
of extended, semi-metaphorical associations include suffering, pain, and jealousy/envy (on this latter sense see {53,4}). Some examples with jalnā : {05}, of which it is the refrain. Compare the somewhat more limited range of garmī ({81,9x}).
In the first line, the sight of the tāb , radiance, of the beloved's face ought to consume the lover in flame (1a); or, his own tāb , endurance, of the sight of the beloved's face ought to consume him in flames of jealousy/wrath at his own toughness and presumptuousness (1b). In the second line, in either case the lover burns with jealousy and rage against his own 'strengh of sight', which has caused him to behave not with the glorious self-abandon of the Moth flying into the candle-flame, but with an entirely discreditable, un-lover-like enduringness (see {1,2} for the related concepted of saḳht-jānī , 'tough-lifedness'). In short, it is the lover's failure to jalnā that causes him to jalnā ; the problem is his tāb of the beloved's tāb .
Nazm rightly points to {153,1}
as an excellent example of the same theme--
at the thought of his being able to see the beloved, the lover exclaims that
he is 'jealous of himself'.
The way lightning is the limit case [of light intolerable to the eyes], in the same way the author has expressed the limit case of jealousy: I myself burn at my own strength of vision. The same meaning he has expressed very clearly in a later verse: {153,1}. (55-56)
== Nazm page 55; Nazm page 56