ho sake kyā ḳhāk dast-o-bāzū-e farhād se
be-sutūñ ḳhvāb-e girān-e ḳhusrav-e parvez hai
1) as if anything/'dust' would be able to come about through the hand and arm of Farhad!
2) the Pillarless [Mountain] is the heavy dream/sleep of Khusrau Parvez
ḳhvāb : 'Sleep; dream, vision'. (Platts p.494)
girān : 'Heavy, weighty, ponderous; great, important, momentous; difficult; burdensome, grievous; — precious, valuable; dear, expensive'. (Platts p.902)
This verse too [like {200,4x}] is from that same [incomprehensible] world. Farhad longed for union with Shirin. What longing did Parvez have such that it would have been unperformable [kāṭe nahīñ kaṭtī], the way the Pillarless [Mountain] was unperformable for Farhad? It's possible that Mirza might have said/composed ḥasrat , which in calligraphy became ḳhusrau ; in this case, the verse becomes meaningful.
Khusrau had said to Farhad, 'If you cut through the Pillarless [Mountain], then I will confide Shirin to you'. Farhad did the carving, but still remained unsuccessful. What were Farhad's hand and arm able to do? In his path, the Pillarless [Mountain] was hardly the obstacle! In truth, the stone in the road was Khusrau's 'heavy sleep/dream'-- that is, the deep sleep [nīñd] of heedlessness on his part. He was the real Pillarless [Mountain] that was not cuttable by Farhad's hand and arm.
For background see S. R. Faruqi's choices. This verse is NOT one of his choices; I thought it was interesting and have added it myself. For more on Ghalib's unpublished verses, see the discussion in {4,8x}.
This verse belongs to the 'snide remarks about famous lovers' group; for others, see {100,4}.
The idiomatic expression kyā ḳhāk expresses an indignant rejection of some idea; for another example, see {87,1}. Here, the 'dust' also provides an excellent evocation of Farhad's mad digging.
The commentators maintain that ḳhvāb means 'sleep', and refers to Khusrau's heedlessness of his promise to Farhad. But of course ḳhvāb also means 'dream', and Khusrau did famously have a very relevant dream. On this see the discussion in {165,4x}, which has a remarkably similar structure and theme.
For goodness sake, under that condition what work would be able to be done by the hand and arm of Farhad, if Khusrau Parvez is, with Shirin, absorbed in his 'heavy sleep/dream'! So to speak, the Pillarless [Mountain] is the sleep [nīñd] of Khusrau, which confronts Farhad like a mountain. In such a case what work can his hands and feet do?
== Asi, p. 240