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mut̤rib : 'A musician, a minstrel; a singer'. (Platts p.1044)
vajd : 'Ecstasy, rapture, transport; excessive love; religious or poetic frenzy'. (Platts p.1181)
TERMS == GHAZAL; RAPTURE; THEME-CREATION; VERSE-SETThere's also the conspicuous presence of ek (in its metrically shortened form ik ), which works particularly well in the context of the first line. Was what was recited only a 'single' ghazal of Mir's (because that's all it took to enrapture the gathering)? Or was it some 'particular' or 'unique' ghazal (that had such a special, remarkable effect)? Or was it an 'excellent' ghazal (such that its sheer quality overpowered the gathering)?
From this verse alone, we can't tell what kind of a gathering it was-- except of course that it wasn't a musha'irah, since there the poet himself would have recited his verse. The speaker, who was apparently present in some capacity, seems to be reporting about it to an interested friend who wasn't there. No detail is offered, just the broad generalization that everybody was entranced by a ghazal of Mir's. Thus the change in tone, subject-matter, and level of detail in {930,2} can come as an enjoyable surprise, a sudden upward kick in the interest level.