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raundnā : 'To trample on, to tread down; to ride over; to crush; to lay waste, to destroy; —to tread out (corn)'. (Platts p.608)
jaur : 'Wrong-doing, injustice, oppression, violence, tyranny'. (Platts p.396)
TERMS == ALLEGORY; THEMEWell, I'm really stunned by SRF's commentary. First of all, what is there that particularly marks the verse as a 'complaint'? That second line, thanks to the 'kya effect', could equally well be an expression almost of (ironic?) admiration-- 'What a devastatingly effective murderer she is! She not only slew me and stomped me into the ground, but she also used my blood to make the most remarkable henna patterns on her feet!' After all, the mad lover very often longs to die at the hand of the beloved, and this verse reports a magnificently gory and intimate finale of just that kind.
And then, is there any reason to believe that the present verse makes a 'complaint' against the speaker's being treated in a way that doesn't distinguish him from others? SRF begins by observing that the present verse, almost uniquely, does not make such a complaint. He then gives a couple of examples of more typical verses that do make this 'non-distinction' complaint. But he then goes on to say that perhaps this verse too might make such a complaint, because the result of the trampling underfoot might be that the speaker's blood was mingled with that of others in the 'slaughter-place'. This is a possible but quite tenuous interpretation, since as SRF has previously noted it has no support in the main, clear reading of the verse.
Then SRF goes on to theorize that the verse might refer 'allegorically' to the real-life Mir's real-life grievances against the rulers of Lucknow. This to me is just unfathomable. Normally nobody is more averse to ungrounded 'natural poetry' and zamān-o-makān readings than SRF (although I think I can claim to be a close second). And here he's gone and indulged in it on what look to me to be exceptionally flimsy and arbitrary grounds. Of course, he's only ranked the idea as the second of two alternative readings, but it still looks quite unpersuasive.
Not only is there no mention of Lucknow itself, or of any word suggestive of anything Lakhnavi. But also, every single image, every quality and suggested act of the lover's and the beloved's, all the distinction or non-distinction, every bit of wordplay-- every element of the verse seems entirely typical of the ghazal world and its deeply embedded themes. It would be easy to cite lots of parallels. Seriously-- if SRF hadn't taken it into his head that this verse might refer to Mir's complaints about Lucknow, could you ever possibly have imagined that it did? I certainly couldn't have done so. And even given the immense authority of SRF's analytical abilities, it's still quite hard for me to envision it. Or rather, if this kind of reasoning would suffice, then hundreds of Mir's verses could also be complaining about the hardships of his life in Lucknow.
The question of the quality and quantity of Mir's poetic complaints about Lucknow is really an enjoyable one, and it's a pleasure to see SRF discuss it so authoritatively and with such conviction. But I can't for the life of me see why it should be relevant to this verse in particular. And by contrast, the other illustrative verses that he cites really, manifestly are about Lucknow. Which only makes it all the more conspicuous that this particular verse has to be dragged into the 'Lucknow' category by sheer rhetorical force. Perhaps SRF was just reading Kazim Ali Khan, and was in the mood to enter the scholarly lists and break a lance or two with him.
Or perhaps I just miss the point of it all. I don't even see much real excitement in the verse, beyond the kind of wordplay that's nothing out of the ordinary for Mir. He's using the same kind of play on rangoñ that he used in {1333,1}. And of course the insha'iyah second line is radically dependent on the choice of tone-- is it wry? melancholy? amused? matter-of-fact? proud? Etc. etc. This too is absolutely unremarkable in the context of Mir's divan.
(While we're discussing hatched jobs on Lucknow, it's worth noting that Ghalib provides a very enjoyable one: