maiñ dūr-gard-e ʿarẓ-e rusūm-e niyāz hūñ
dushman samajh vale nigah-e āshnā nah māñg
1a) I am a distance-wanderer of the breadth of the practices of humility
1b) I am a distance-wanderer [=far away] from the presentation of the practices of humility
2) consider me an enemy, but don't ask for the glance/gaze of a friend/familiar
dūr : 'Distant, remote, far... at a distance, a long way off; —s.f. Distance, remoteness (= dūrī ); — adv. Far, afar, far away, to a distance, beyond'. (Platts p.532)
gard : 'Going round, revolving; traversing, travelling or wandering over, or through, or in (used as last member of compounds)... —s.f. Dust; —the globe; —fortune'. (Platts p.903)
ʿarẓ : 'Presenting or representing; representation, petition, request, address; — ... s.m. Breadth, width'. (Platts p.760)
rusūm : 'Customs, usages, &c.; allowance; established fees, dues, duties, taxes, perquisites'. (Platts p.593)
niyāz : 'Petition, supplication, prayer; —inclination, wish, eager desire, longing; need, necessity; indigence, poverty; —a gift, present; —an offering, a thing dedicated; —assignment of revenue for the relief of the indigent'. (Platts p.1164)
āshnā : 'Acquaintance; friend; associate; intimate friend, familiar; lover, sweetheart; paramour; mistress, concubine; —adj. Acquainted ... , knowing, known; attached (to), fond (of)'. (Platts p.57)
He says, 'I don't know the artificial/fake styles of expressing humility. Even if you would consider me an enemy, don't hope/expect that I would look at you with familiar/friendly glances. Here the word āshnā has taken on a scope for speculation.
Because of the custom of humility, I wander far off from you. I won't commit the insolence of coming near you. Even if you consider me an enemy, don't expect that I will come near, and fling at you the glance/gaze of a friend/familiar, and disgrace my humility. That is, because of abundant humility and lowness we are far from you.
GAZE: {10,12}
For background see S. R. Faruqi's choices. For more on Ghalib's unpublished verses, see the discussion in {4,8x}.
Thanks to all the iẓāfat constructions , that first line is so abstract as to be almost opaque. But the iẓāfat after gard gives us two general ways in which to read the line: (1a) 'I am a distance-wanderer "of" the practices of humility' (that is, the speaker remains far from her because this is his duty as a properly submissive lover); or (1b) 'I am a distance-wanderer (far away) "from" the practices of humility' (that is, the speaker is a far-ranging ascetic and won't consent to humbly join her social circle).
On samajhnā as 'to consider', see {90,3}.
My situation is that for the petition of the practices of humility I have wandered very far, and my experience is that in the world there is no friend/familiar. Now I say this: that whomever one might see, one might consider him an enemy, but do not search for a friend/familiar; you will find no trace of one anywhere.
Or this: I am now far from the petition of the practices of humility. You have the right/power to consider me an enemy, but do not long for the gaze of a friend/familiar.
== Asi, pp. 147-148