mā : 'We; — us; our'. (Platts p.977)
dārad : 'A name of God; — dārad, He holds, has, is possessed of'. (Steingass p.496)
hech : 'Not any, none, no; nothing; — worthless, good-for-nothing; — shallow, superficial; — a mere trifle; — adv. Never; at no rate, on no account at all'. (Platts p.1244)
hech : 'Nothing; a mere trifle; lost, annihilated; never, at no rate, on no account at all'. (Steingass p.1520)
The meaning of the verse is clear. [A discussion of how Ghalib was wrong later to deprecate Bedil, since he remained so greatly indebted to him.]
In Asad's raga, except for the flute of Bedil there's no other idea of his own. That is, in Asad's poetry is the color/style of Bedil. In the world is our fame, but we are 'nothing', because our accomplishment is borrowed from another. The second line is Bedil's.
For more on Ghalib's unpublished verses, see the discussion in {4,8x}. See also the overview index.
This is one more of the extravagant tributes the young Ghalib paid to the great Indo-Persian poet Bedil-- only then to omit most of them from his divan. For discussion of his evolving attitude, see {8,5x}.
In Asad's voice there's nothing except the melody of Bedil-- as he says, 'The whole world is telling our story, and when we look at ourself, then we are 'nothing'.
== Asi, p. 108