daurān-e sar se gardish-e sāġhar hai muttaṣil
ḳhum-ḳhānah-e junūñ meñ dimāġh-e rasīdah hūñ
1) through the going-round of the head, the circulation of the wineglass is continual
2) in the wine-house of madness, I am [one who has] a mature/established mind
daurān : 'Going round, revolving, rolling round, whirling, &c.; circulation (as of the blood, &c.); — a revolution; a period, circle, cycle; time, an age; vicissitude; fortune'. (Platts p.533)
gardish : 'Going round, turning round, revolution; circulation; roll; course; period; turn, change; vicissitude; reversion; — adverse fortune, adversity; — wandering about, vagrancy'. (Platts p.903)
muttaṣil : 'Joined; contiguous, adjoining, near (to), in the vicinity ... — continual, uninterrupted; successive; in an unbroken line'. (Platts p.993)
rasīdah : 'Arrived; at hand; received; reached or overtaken by; mature, ripe, of age'. (Platts p.593)
dimāġh rasānīdan = to be merry, to be intoxicated. That is, in the going-around of my head is a mood of the circulating of a wineglass. My madness is not madness, but is merriment and intoxication.
dimāġh-e rasīdah = a merry mind. The going-around of the wineglass has a close relationship with the going-around of the head. In the wine-house of madness, I am intoxicated with the wine of madness. The mood of the mind that comes from the wineglass, has come to my mind without the wineglass, through madness.
MADNESS: {14,3}
WINE: {49,1}
WINE-HOUSE: {33,6}
For more on Ghalib's unpublished verses, see the discussion in {4,8x}. See also the overview index.
The same not-very-common word, muttaṣil , appears in both this verse and the next one, {322x,3}. We all know how words linger in the mind-- it surely happened to Ghalib, too.
Here are some ways to read the first line:
=The speaker's spinning head is itself a wineglass going around.
=Because the speaker's head is spinning, a wineglass is going around.
=Because the speaker's head is spinning, he imagines that a wineglass is going around.
Here are some ways to read the second line:
=In that wine-house the speaker is an experienced, veteran drinker who knows how to behave.
=In that wine-house, the speaker madly and/or intoxicatedly imagines that he has a mature, settled mind.
=The speaker imagines that in that mad wine-house, he alone is sane and/or unintoxicated.
Now choose one reading for each line-- and then ask yourself what the connection between them might be. Cause and effect-- which way? Similar situations? Contrasted situations? And so on. The possible permutations quickly become almost countless.
Isn't it astonishing what Ghalib can do with some of the simplest, most basic motifs in the whole ghazal world? A dimāġh-e rasīdah -- how can you help but laugh, even if ruefully?
Compare {169,5} with its striking vision of a (mental) 'wine-house without tumult'.
Because of the going-round of the head, continuously and ceaselessly it seems that I share in the going-round of the wineglass, and go on lifting glass after glass. So to speak, in the wine-house of madness I am [of] a mind that is overflowing with intoxication.
== Asi, p. 172