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ābādī : 'Inhabited spot or place; colony; population, number of inhabitants; cultivated place; cultivation; the part of a village lands brought under cultivation; ... prosperity; state of comfort; happiness, joy, pleasure'. (Platts p.2)
ḳharābī : 'Ruin, destruction, desolation; badness, corruption, depravity; noxiousness, ill, evil, mischief, perdition; misery, trouble, affliction; difficulty, perplexity'. (Platts p.488)
TERMS == DRAMATICNESS; SIMILE; THEME; ZILAAs SRF observes, the army could be a fine metaphor for general devastation ('Your room looks as if a herd of pigs has been living in it!'). Or it could be a powerful metaphor for the beloved's beauty-- for as the Song of Solomon has it, the beloved's beauty is 'terrible as an army with banners'.
But then SRF goes on to say that 'in all verses of this type' we can also take the heart as a metaphor for the city of Delhi [dillī shahr]. Now it's true that that reading makes for a wonderful double meaning, and is perfectly legitimate in {1775,1}, where that phrase appears. (Although dihlī is a more common spelling in Urdu, dillī also appears.) But I don't see any grounds for reading into the verse a particular reference to Delhi wherever the heart appears as a city trampled by armies.
After all, there are plenty of both real and imagined cities trampled by armies, and in the ghazal world a naturalistic reading is almost always secondary to a theme-based one, as nobody knows better than SRF himself. Moreover, if Mir indeed derived this theme from Kalim Hamadani's verse, as SRF also speculates, then plainly no identification with Delhi is necessary, since Kalim doesn't even speak of a city at all, but only laments the trampling of the field of his heart.
That second line is truly terrific, isn't it? The elegant wordplay and meaning-play of jānā jātā hai , with almost a marching rhythm, followed by the all-too-evocative simplicity of the army not just marching through but 'emerging'. Emerging from what inner depths of the heart? Emerging after what deadly feats of despoliation? Emerging with what kinds of precious valuables? It's beyond description-- don't even ask! The city of the heart is now something like a bare, dusty, much-trampled 'road'. Not only is the presence of the army devastating, but so too is the process of its departure; and even the aftermath of its departure is a scene of utter ruin.
Just for comparison, here's a verse with what seems to be a real, explicit, non-metaphorical Delhi reference [{87,4}]:
dillī meñ āj bhīkh bhī miltī nahīñ uñheñ
thā kal talak dimāġh jiñheñ tāj-o-taḳht kā[in Delhi, today, they don't receive even alms,
they who up till yesterday had a pride in crown and throne]This is the most descriptive-looking verse about Delhi that I've noticed in the whole kulliyat. And even in this case, it has a notably fatalistic, Sufistic, allegorical tone.