Ghazal 15, Verse 11


nāzish-e ayyām-e ḳhākistar-nishīnī kyā kahūñ
pahlū-e andeshah vaqf-e bistar-e sanjāb thā

1) the glory/exaltation/dissimulation/blandishment of days of ash-sitting-- what can I say?!

2a) the side/flank of Thought/concern was tranquility upon a bedding of ermine
2b) the expedient of Thought/concern was intent upon a bedding of ermine
2c) the advantage of Thought/concern was the endowment of a bedding of ermine


nāzish : 'Glory, exaltation, eminence; boasting; dissimulation, blandishment; importunity'. (Steingass p.1371)


pahlū : 'A side; flank, wing; a facet; --utility; profit, advantage; indirect or crooked expedient; dishonourable or fraudulent means'. (Platts p.289)

andeshah : 'Thought, consideration, meditation, reflection; solicitude, anxiety, concern...; doubt, misgiving, suspicion; apprehension, dread, fear'. (Platts p.91)

vaqf : 'Standing, stopping, staying, halting, waiting; pausing (over); being intent (upon), endeavouring fully to understand; --bequeathing for pious purposes; tranquility; firmness; constancy; permanency'. (Platts p.1197)


That is, although I was sitting in the dust, because of my heart's pride at its own contentment, it was rolling around on a bedding of ermine. (16)

== Nazm page 16


Urdu text: Vajid 1902 {15}

Bekhud Mohani:

In the time of prosperity, he is looking back: those things even the thought of which gave pleasure-- now there is no such joy even in their attainment. Zauq:

ḥirṣ ke phailte haiñ pāʾoñ bah qadr-e vusʿat
tang hī rahte haiñ dunyā meñ farāġhat-vāle

[the legs of Greed are spread according to the scope
those at leisure remain only/emphatically straitened in the world]. (37)


Because of shared color, wordplay has developed between the 'bedding of ermine' and the 'sitting in ashes'. (54)



INEXPRESSIBILITY: {1,2}; {5,4}; {9,8x}; {10,2}; {15,11}**, with a list of kyā kahūñ verses; {16,4}; {16,8x}; {17,5}; {18,4}; {20,8}; {29,5x}; {34,3}; {39,4}; {49,2}; {56,2}; {58,9}; {68,5}; {75,6}; {81,13x}; {86,8}; {87,4}; {88,3}; {91,2}; {92,5}; {92,8x}; {97,2}; {108,6}; {113,4}; {129}*, nah pūchh ; {133,5x}; {136,7}; {147,6x}; {167,4}; {172,3}; {183,2}; {194,6}; {196,8x}*; {197,1}; {199,6x}; {201}; {208,5}; {210,5}; {224,2x}; {227,3} // {261x,6}; {350x}, nah pūchh ; {383x,5}; {398x,4}, nah pūchh

ABOUT kyā kahūñ : That irresistibly idiomatic phrase kyā kahūñ is a form of the 'inexpressibility trope' of which Ghalib makes excellent use. What more convenient way could there be to both suggest and avoid description, in a poem fifteen or twenty words long? It's expressive, like 'What can I say?!' I've translated it accordingly (though literally of course it's 'What might I say?'). Other examples: {39,4}; {88,3}; {92,8x}; {97,2}; {136,7}; {194,6}. Ghalib seems not to use kyā kaheñ .

Structurally speaking, the verse is a tribute to the powers of the iẓāfat construction. To take one crucial example, what is an endowment 'of' a bedding [vaqf-e bistar]? Is it an endowment bestowed by a bedding? An endowment bestowed on a bedding? An endowment that consists of a bedding? An endowment that resembles, or is somehow otherwise related to, a bedding? In a verse so full of abstractions forcibly yoked together, we're not able to be at all sure. And of course, 'endowment' is far from the only meaning of vaqf (see the definition above), as can be seen from the several translations given above. 'Endowment' may be the primary sense that occurs to us today, but was it necessarily so for Ghalib?

Ashes and ermine-- how different are they, really? Both soft, both a mottled greyish-whitish, both capable in some sense of being slept on. By careful and subtle word choices, Ghalib has made possible a variety of readings of the second line. Three of them are shown above; they all can be appropriately associated with the pride-in-humility described in the first line:

=(2a) is at least initially physical, with a body lying in bedding. The body of Thought, apparently, which is in fact lying in ermine even while (or precisely because?) the physical body lies in ashes.

=(2b) is ambitious: while sitting in ashes, proud Thought is focused upon (and scheming about) riches to come.

=(2c) is religious: Thought has been endowed by religious bequest with the ability to see ashes as ermine, and ermine in ashes.

In a few words the verse is thus able to set up a picture which might be that of ostentatious religious hypocrisy, coquettishly pluming itself on its austerities; or that of ambition, busily scheming about how to move from present rags to future riches; or that of a genuine religious sensibility, which finds luxury in simplicity. Or, of course-- especially if we think of the 'days' as those of youth-- something of all three together. And how excellently the possibilities of the (Persianized) nāzish (see the definition above) resonate with these various alternatives!

Another verse that also somewhat oddly combines a vaqf and bedding: {194,1} (which also discusses the nature of bistar ). Another abstract vaqf verse: {200,4x}. Another, less powerful invocation of ḳhākistar-nishīnī : {73,4x}.

Consider also the piquant but maddening {18,7x}.

And then compare Mir's own nostalgic (?) vision of the good old days: M{115,1}.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --