Ghazal 335x, Verse 3


t̤ilism-e mastī-e dil āñ-sū-e hujūm-e sirishk
ham ek mai-kadah daryā ke pār rakhte haiñ

1) an enchantment of the intoxication of the heart, on the far side of the onrush of tears!
2) we maintain a single/particular/unique/excellent wine-house, beyond the sea


āñ-sū : 'That side, thither, from the other side, through'. (Steingass p.111)


āñsū : 'Tear, tears'. (Platts p.93)


sirishk : 'Tear, tear-drop'. (Platts p.654)


On the far side of our onrush of tears, an enchantment of the intoxication of the heart has been created. That is, the onrush of tears is a single outward/apparent thing. Having passed beyond it, there is a world-- there, the intoxication of our heart is apparent; it is, so to speak, an enchantment. It is entirely such a simile, as if across the sea there is some wine-house. In just this way with us, on the far side of our onrush of tears there is an enchantment of the intoxication of the heart.

== Asi, p. 179


If 'intoxication' is the intoxication of passion, and passion is the cause of weeping, then so to speakthe enchantment of the intoxication of the heart is hidden in the onrush of weeping. And this enchantment is a singulat wine-house of passion, which is located on the far side of a sea of tears.

== Zamin, p. 259

Gyan Chand:

We have an onslaught of tears. Beyond that is an enchantment of the heart's intoxication and felicity/success. If tears [āñsū] would not remain, then intoxication would be vouchsafed. In this way we have a singular wine-house, but beyond the sea. The sea cannot easily be crossed. Tears [āñsū] too are a sea. To skip over them and reach intoxication is impossible. There is wordplay between āñsū and sirishk .

== Gyan Chand, p. 289


WINE-HOUSE: {33,6}

For more on Ghalib's unpublished verses, see the discussion in {4,8x}. See also the overview index.

This verse offers, with a flourish, a huge, obvious bit of special sound-play and wordplay (and, as Faruqi would rightly observe, meaning-play as well): the interaction between the Persian āñ-sū ('in that direction') and the Indic āñsū ('tears'). The verse is, after all, about tears and beyond-ness, and how elegantly that one word encapsulates both! It's hard to believe that two of the three commentators haven't so much as mentioned it, but there we are. (Gyan Chand's last sentence may refer to it, although āñsū is written as one word; but let's give him the benefit of the doubt.)

An 'enchantment of intoxication' is also an intriguing idea. The t̤ilism is fundamental to the Urdu dastan world, and especially to the Dastan-e Amir Hamzah, of which Ghalib was a notable fan. A t̤ilism is an enchanted world created by a powerful magician; in it, nothing is what it seems, and no ordinary rules apply. Once you have entered it, you cannot find the door to get out again. You wander haplessly within it, having all sorts of bizarre experiences (the way to get out is beyond your control).

Then the iẓāfat opens up further complexities-- is the enchantment one that itself 'is' intoxication, or one that is 'created by' intoxication, or one that somehow 'belongs to' it? Similarly, since it's an 'intoxication of the heart', that second iẓāfat too can be variously interpreted. All we can be sure of is that the intoxication is associated with a special ('single', or 'particular', or 'unique', or 'excellent') wine-house maintained by the speaker-- a wine-house located on the far side of a sea of tears.

-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --