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ʿishq hai : 'An exclamation of praise; excellent! well done! bravo!'. (Platts p.761)
nā-chīz : 'Of no consequence, of no account, insignificant, trifling, worthless; —an insignificant thing, a nothing; a bauble, a trifling or silly thing, a trifle'. (Platts p.1110)
TERMS == MUSALSAL; VERSE-SETThis is the fourth of five 'continuous' verses that form an unofficial verse-set; for discussion see {307,1}.
SRF points to an idiomatic sense of ʿishq hai as 'praise be to' (see the definition above). This is something very useful to keep in mind, since without knowing it one would readily (mis)translate the phrase literally, and thus run into all kinds of grammatical and semantic problems. Other examples of this idiomatic usage: {480,4}; {1158,7}; {1658,1}. For a similar, and equally idiomatic, usage of paṛā , see {20,2}.