


ʿishq un kī ʿaql ko hai jo mā-sivā hamāre
nā-chīz jānte haiñ nā-būd jānte haiñ

1) praise be to their wisdom, who apart from us
2) consider [everything] to be a trifle/'non-thing', consider [everything] to be non-existent!



ʿishq hai : 'An exclamation of praise; excellent! well done! bravo!'. (Platts p.761)


nā-chīz : 'Of no consequence, of no account, insignificant, trifling, worthless; —an insignificant thing, a nothing; a bauble, a trifling or silly thing, a trifle'. (Platts p.1110)

S. R. Faruqi:

ʿishq hai = praise be to

[This is the fourth of five 'continuous' verses that make up a kind of unofficial verse-set; for extensive discussion see the first verse, {307,1}.]

In the fourth verse there are several kinds of possibilities. It's possible that this verse might be sarcastic-- that is, sarcastic praise is being given to those people whose wisdom is so limited that they consider everything apart from us to be trifling and nonexistent. They don't understand that existence is in every thing.

The second possibility is that he might have said, in a tone of praise, that those people who apart from us (that is, apart from the existence of humans) consider every thing to be nonexistent-- they are worthy of praise.

In the second line, nā-chīz and nā-būd can also be two separate words-- that is nah followed by chīz and nah followed by būd . Now the meaning becomes that apart from us people neither consider a thing to be a thing, nor consider an existence to be an existence.

The meaning can also be apart from us, people do not know any other thing or any other existence.

[See also {502,3}; {1076,7}.]



This is the fourth of five 'continuous' verses that form an unofficial verse-set; for discussion see {307,1}.

SRF points to an idiomatic sense of ʿishq hai as 'praise be to' (see the definition above). This is something very useful to keep in mind, since without knowing it one would readily (mis)translate the phrase literally, and thus run into all kinds of grammatical and semantic problems. Other examples of this idiomatic usage: {480,4}; {1158,7}; {1658,1}. For a similar, and equally idiomatic, usage of paṛā , see {20,2}.


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