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burā hai dil kā hamāre lagnā-lagānā ġhuṣṣe se ʿāshiqī ke
nichī jabīñ se galī meñ us kī ḳharāb-o-ḳhastah phirā kareñge
1) it's bad, the attachment of our heart; from the grief/anger/suffocation of lover-ship,
2) with a lowered forehead, in her street, wretched and worn-out, we will always wander
ġhuṣṣah : 'Choking, strangulation, suffocation; —(choking) wrath, rage, anger, passion; —grief, disquietude of mind, anxiety'. (Platts p.771)
Well, a 'lowered forehead' sounds to me like an averted face. The person with a lowered forehead is looking downward-- but not necessarily in humility or for the purpose of constant prostration. A person who has lowered his head in this way is not going to look around him, he's not going to meet anyone's eyes, he may be lost in his own thoughts and feelings.
Moreover, the suggestive word ġhuṣṣah (see the definition above) includes not only the grief or sorrow emphasized by SRF, but also wrath, passion, 'suffocation'. Why should these feelings too not be brought on by the 'bad' side of 'lover-ship'? The helplessly trapped lover, wretched and worn-out, doomed to wander forever in her street-- why should he not feel suffocated? Why should he not have to struggle with his own anger?