Index based on radīf and qāfiyah in Urdu alphabetical order:

. .
ghazals ending in alif -->

* ā *
with * *
with *
with *
thā *
with *
* (including aspiration)
with *
huʾā *
with * *
with * kiyā or kyā *
with *
gayā *

ghazals ending in * be *

ghazals ending in * te ṭe ṡe *

ghazals ending in * jīm che ḥe ḳhe *

ghazals ending in * dāl żāl *


ghazals ending in * re ṛe *

ghazals ending in * ze *

* r *
with * kar *

ghazals ending in * sīn shīn *

ghazals ending in * ṣvād ẓvād t̤oʾe z̤oʾe ʿain ġhain *

ghazals ending in * fe qāf *

ghazals ending in * kāf gāf *

ghazals ending in * lām *

ghazals ending in * mīm *

ghazals ending in nūn -->

* n *
with *
ūñ or *
with *
meñ or maiñ *
with *
haiñ or hīñ *
with * nahīñ *

ghazals ending in vāʾo -->

* v *
with *
ko *
with *
ho *

ghazals ending in * he *  
ghazals ending in chhoṭī ye -->
* ī *
with *
ghazals ending in baṛī ye -->
* e *
with *
se *
with *
ge *
with *
hai *
complex radifs with *
hai *
with *
gaʾe *
with *
huʾe *
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