by Saadat Hasan Manto (1912-1955)

*Translation* by Frances W. Pritchett, Feb. 2005

Urdu text: Parts *01*; *02*; *03*; *04*; *05*; *06*; *07*; *08*; *09*; *10*; *11*; *12*; *13*; *14*

*Notes on the Urdu text*

*Notes on the story and translation*


*the original Urdu text, 1955*

*A Devanagari text and serial glossary*

Another Urdu text by C. M. Naim: from *Readings in Urdu Prose and Poetry* (Honolulu: East-West Center Press, 1965); this text has a set of *annotations* that will be very helpful to students

Another translation, by Richard McGill Murphy: *Introduction*; *Words Without Borders (Sept. 2003)*

Another translation, by Sundeep Dougal: *Outlook India, Aug. 16, 2001*

Recitation, by Zia Mohyeddin: *youtube*

Recitation, by Naseeruddin Shah: *youtube*

The real place: *District Toba Tek Singh*

"The New Law" (Naya qanun), by Manto: *Urdu and Devanagari texts, and a glossary*

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"Manto Lives On," by Asif Farrukhi, *Dawn, July 7, 2019*

"Remembering Safia Manto," by Nandita Das, **

"Anatomy of an obscenity trial," by Sarah Waheed, *Himal, July 1, 2013*

"The Myth of the Lone Ranger," by Daisy Rockwell, *Caravan, June 1, 2013*

"Smell" and "Open It!", trans. by M. U. Memon, *Annual of Urdu Studies 27 (2012)*

"The Return," trans. by Kavita Chiranji, *Manushi 104*

Two translations of essays by Manto: *Annual of Urdu Studies 16 (2001)*

"For Freedom's Sake, " trans. by M. U. Memon, *Annual of Urdu Studies 15 (2000)*

Anwer Azeem, "An Unforgettable Teller of Tales" [1955], *Social Scientist 29, 334-35 (2001)*

Khurram Ali Shafique, "The Quintessential Storyteller" [1999] *on this site*

"Sa'adat Hasan Manto: Seminar Papers: *Annual of Urdu Studies 11 (1996)*

Khalid Hasan, "Saadat Hasan Manto: Not of Blessed Memory," *Annual of Urdu Studies 4 (1984)*

"Ismat Chughtai: A talk with one of Urdu's most outspoken woman writers," *Mahfil 8,2-3 (1972)* [much discussion of Manto]

A biographical sketch, and "Cold Like Ice" (Thanda gosht): *Mahfil 1,1 (1963)*

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Shamsur Rahman Faruqi, "Hamare liye Manto Sahib" (2013): **

Waris Alvi, "Manto: ek mutali'ah": *alhamra website*

"National Manto Seminar" in Pakistan, Jan. 18, 2005: *a report (in Urdu)*

A new book on Manto, Sept. 2005: *a BBC review (in Urdu)*

Manto on Ismat Chughtai: " ʿiṣmat chuġhtāʾī aur maiñ ": *an essay (in Urdu)*
Ismat Chughtai on Manto: " merā dost merā dushman ": *an essay (in Urdu)*

Manto is taken to court for obscenity, Karachi 1948: " muqaddamah jo ṭhanḍā gosht par chalāyā gayā " *a report (in Urdu)*

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*Sayeda Saleh, "Reinterpreting Manto"*

*South Asia Citizens Web page of links on Partition*

*The Legacy Project*


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